Passengers were amazed to see what this young man was doing VIDEO


WATCH THE SHOCK SCENE FROM THE STREETS OF BELGRADE: Passengers were amazed to see what this young man was doing VIDEO

Photo: Printscreen / Tram drivers (and other GSP staff)

A video of a young man kicking angrily at a bus door appeared on social media and sparked an avalanche of comments.

photo: Screen print / Tram drivers (and other GSP staff)

The incident allegedly occurred on King Milan Street, and the reason for his anger is still unknown.

The passengers were amazed to see what the young man was doing, and some decided to film it.

and allegedly kicked the door of a bus traveling on line 31.

– I honestly don’t see what would be fun and fun for me here. In any case, we are in trouble when things like this happen in broad daylight.

photo: Screen print / Tram drivers (and other GSP staff)

– Shoot this bus as if it were to blame for all its misfortunes and as if it could defend itself.

– The person got angry because the driver did not want to let him get on the bus, these are just some of the comments left by users of social networks.


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Author: delivery courier
