Participants in the electoral process to show wisdom and responsibility to the end.


Ostrog Monastery, Photo: Boris Pejović

Ostrog Monastery, Photo: Boris Pejović

The Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro called on the participants in the electoral process to “demonstrate wisdom and responsibility to the end”.

“Gathered in the Holy Monastery of Ostrog, we have gathered today to thank the Holy Trinity, the God of Love, whom we made a vow to at the June Trinitarian Council in Podgorica, and his benefactor Saint Vasilije Ostrog, who met in Niksic, in December last year and before whom. Members of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Montenegro express their gratitude to the faithful people of Montenegro who persevered in the defense of human freedom, the Church and its saints for several months, which proved that they are worthy descendants of San Pedro de Cetinje and San Basilio de Ostrog, ”the statement read.

The Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro congratulated citizens for “showing dignity, maturity, wisdom and humanity” in the August 30 elections, because they demonstrated to themselves and to the world that even under conditions of greater tension, the Election process can be carried out peacefully and without incident. .

“We owe a special thanks and congratulations to all Montenegrin citizens who heard the cry of the Church and after 75 years freely voted against the totalitarianism of those who passed a law intended to endanger only the being of the Church, its spiritual heritage and material and loot the property of the Church. “

They also thanked all those who “obtained a historic victory for Montenegro and its people”, but also congratulated all those who constantly fought for the democratization of Montenegro.

For this reason, even today, from this sacred place, we call on all participants in the electoral process to show wisdom and responsibility to the end and after winning the elections form the Assembly and the Government, expecting from them a spirit of self-denial, solidarity and mutual understanding and awareness of historical significance. the moment, effort and sacrifice that our people have invested in this victory ”.

The Episcopal Council, they said, will continue to meet, “as it did before the crisis due to the adoption of the discriminatory Law on Religious Freedom,” addressing all issues related to the Church, the rights and freedoms of its faithful and the improvement of the relations with the Church. and states.

“The Church remains open to all believers without distinction, as well as to all people of good will, embracing everyone with the love of God and guided by the inspired word of the Apostle Paul:” There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no more slave or free, there is neither man nor woman, because you are all one (man) in Christ Jesus, “the statement concluded.


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