Part of the dissatisfied socialists – Politics


The members of the leadership of the Socialist Party of Serbia, with whom we managed to talk yesterday, are officially full of words of praise for the future role of their leader Ivica Dacic, who will be the president of the National Assembly of Serbia.

Disgruntled Socialists Part 1Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

Unofficially, as far as we know, part of the socialists are unhappy with this development of the situation, but no one can say with certainty what their next steps will be.

Danas interlocutors from the political scene assume that a final decision on the number of seats of the SPS in the new government is expected, as well as a decision on who will be in those positions, to react if necessary.

Tuesday night’s news that former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dacic will take over the role of Parliament’s first man from today, which the progressive Maja Gojkovic led to the absurd according to many, is the biggest shock during the presentation by Aleksandar Vucic, SNS leader on the future government.

Part of the public sees this as a setback for Dacic, who in 2012 told himself with certainty that it may not be known who will be the president, but it is known who will be the prime minister.

Aside from its degradation, many think that this could be the beginning of the end for SPS.

While Dacic himself considers this distribution of roles a great honor, he may be aware that too much rebellion could open one of Vucic’s drawers in which he keeps material against his political opponents.

On the other hand, there are opinions on the political scene that Dacic’s acceptance of the “punishment” is his right to stay with Vucic, because he knows that he needs him for the presidential elections, but he takes the party out of the ship that could sink, when but entering into opposition is not possible.

And it is not possible because a long time ago he allowed to suffocate a strong embrace of the progressives, in which many socialists, especially the locals, swayed and got used to the functions, which notably weakened the party.

Furthermore, Dragan Popović from the Center for Practical Politics claims that it is possible that Dačić, leaving the government, would leave a place for someone from the SPS for the sake of peace abroad.

Popovic believes that Dacic may have a problem with a member of the Presidency of the Socialists, Branko Ruzic, who until now has served as Minister of State Law and Local Self-Government.

Popovic also tells our newspaper that this is an even bigger push towards the corner of the SPS, which is losing more and more voters.

And Ruzic only has words of praise for Danas for Dacic’s future role.

– For the first time in the recent history of Serbian parliamentarism and the multiparty system, the leader of one of the most credible political parties will be at the head of the highest legislative and representative chamber. The arrival of President Dacic at the head of parliament will drastically strengthen the role, dynamics and importance of parliamentary life, both in domestic and foreign political discourse, he says.

He adds that the presidency of the President of the Republic Vučić and now the President of the Parliament Dačić is a clear sign of Serbian seriousness, statehood and commitment to the betterment of its citizens.

Ruzic didn’t want to talk about whether or not this news surprised him.

Slavica Đukić Dejanović, also a member of the MSF Presidency and current minister, agrees with Ružić’s position and tells us that Ružić also responded on his behalf.

The vice-president of the Socialists, Predrag Markovic, says for our role that the function of president of the Assembly has gained weight.

– A man fulfills a function. Never since 1990 has the party leader been president of the assembly. With this location, that feature gained weight, you think.

Cesid’s program director, Ivo Colovic, points out that Dacic’s new position must be seen through the SPS rating in recent election cycles.

– Along with the worst results of his political party in the elections, with the fact that the SPS has not been in the balance for a long time when forming a new government, Dacic crossed the path from the prime minister, passing by the ICJ, up to the president of the National Assembly. However, although the SNS was able to form a government independently, or choose partners that will be in it, the decision that the SPS is in power shows that its alliance with this political option is still very important – says Colovic.

He adds that the fact that Dacic is the president of the legislative body should certainly not be seen as a punishment, but more as a real political power that has its political option at this time.

– As someone who has been in politics for a long time, Ivica Dačić is aware that vanity has no place in relationships with a stronger partner in the ruling coalition and I believe that through the distribution of ministries, other important functions in the country, and through the training of local authorities at the local level. Self-governments throughout Serbia will be able to assess whether accepting this position is a punishment or a reward for the SPS and its president – concludes Colovic.

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