Parents sent infected child to school in Belgrade, minister reacted


Belgrade – A third grader came to classes at Zeleznik’s “Braća Jerković” primary school yesterday when it was determined that he was positive for the crown.

Source: Tanjug



A complaint was filed with the Social Work Center against the parents who sent the child to school.

The whole family was tested for coronavirus the day before, and the parents sent the child to school, before the test results arrived.

The Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, told Tanjug that the Ministry reacted immediately, that the children who were with the infected child in the group and their teacher were isolated and that they would follow the lessons from home.

“We suggest to the school, which is a legal entity, that a complaint be filed with the Social Work Center for child abandonment and we will see what the epilogue will be, we will follow it. That is my measure, I have no other. The Family Law gives jurisdiction to the Social Work Center ”. and we can start, as we are, “he said.

He says he “can’t believe” the parents sent the boy to school the day after the whole family was tested.

“It’s good that all the children had masks. This was unexpected, especially since the child’s mother is a health worker,” she said.

The school principal, Violeta Markovic, says that yesterday, after finishing classes, she was informed that a third-grader tested positive for the kovid 19 virus, and that he was in class.

“All measures have been taken in accordance with the instructions on how to act in this situation and in accordance with the recommendations of the Crisis Staff, and the students who attended classes yesterday in that group and the teacher with whom that student was in contact will continue to teach online, “he said. Markovic by Tanjug.

The infected student did not present any symptoms, and the students in this group, as well as the teacher, wore a protective mask all the time, like the rest of the students and school employees, and they respected the recommended epidemiological measures.

The principal says that another group of students from the same class will continue to attend classes at the school.

“The mother of the infected student, on Tuesday, after school, around 2 in the afternoon, informed us that the child received a positive test for kovid 19. All family members were examined the day before, on Monday 31 August 2020, but the mother “She did not inform the school or the teacher about it, but sent the child to school,” Markovic said.

The director says they informed the City Public Health Institute, the Belgrade School Administration and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development about everything. The school was disinfected in all rooms in accordance with the measures of the epidemiological service.
