Parents of the guards: Vučić’s commission did nothing about the Topčider case


The parents of slain guards Dragan Jakovljevic and Drazen Milovanovic told that they had no new information about the investigation into the murder of their sons, despite the fact that during their visit in 2016, then-Prime Minister and now President Aleksandar Vucic told them promised a commission. it would deal exclusively with the Topcider case. However, the commission remained a dead letter on paper.

The parents, Petar Milovanović and Janko Jakovljević, are disappointed that a serious investigation into the death of their children has not been carried out for 16 years.

Lawyer Predrag Savić says that as a lawyer, he has not been informed by anyone of the details of the investigation that possibly took place after his parents’ reception by Prime Minister Vučić in 2016.

“At one point I suggested to the Serbian Interior Ministry that, after that meeting, they carry out some investigative actions. They carried them out precisely and meticulously. Subsequently, I received no information on whether the commission acted through these actions, which was supposed to be formed and composed of representatives from the BIA, VBA, the Serbian Ministry of Defense, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia. I don’t even know if it really existed, although it should have been formed. As lawyers, no one invited us to any meeting, if there was any. I was the only one who asked to verify certain information. I believe the commission never came to life formally, and what was done at my request could have been in the background of that commission We still do not have any contact with the state bodies, ”says lawyer Savić.

The parents of the slain guards, Janko Jakovljević and Petar Milovanović, are, of course, outraged.

“The latest information I have is that Sasa Reljic delivered a statement to the Prosecutor’s Office, but nothing is being done. Very few people know what she said in her testimony and that she mentioned the perpetrator. We are also preparing to pay tribute this year, but in this case no one is taking any action. We expected more from Vučić, but that’s the way it is. Our legal representatives sent a request to Strasbourg, however, the answer has not yet arrived. You better ask them, they know more, “Janko Jakovljevic, the father of the slain Dragan, told

Petar Milovanović, the father of the slain Dražen, also says that everything stopped in the whole case.

“I have no idea what is being done. I was in the hospital a month ago. 16 years have passed and no one is doing anything about the whole case. The prosecution has not been filed and everything is in place, as is for that of Russia. It was mentioned, so everything was silent. I have not had information for a long time, I have not been able to raise my head from the problem for two years, I go to hospitals, I am on dialysis. Nor will I be able to go to the memorial on 5 October this year, “says Petar Milovanović.

Let us remind you that two guards, Dragan Jakovljević and Dražen Milovanović, were found dead on guard duty at a separate “Karaš” military installation in Topčider. After the bodies were found, speculation and speculation ensued as to who was to blame for their deaths. Thus began the “Topcider” case. While the official investigation claimed it was a murder and suicide, the parents, and then an independent investigation, proved that it was a murder after all. There are various versions of why the two guards were killed, but increasingly they were the result of rumors that the guards were killed because they saw a defendant from The Hague and that they discovered the robbery …

From the promised neighbor to the interrogation of Tadic and Vuk Jeremic

Boris Tadic, former president of Serbia, was interrogated in 2018 at the facilities of the Service for Combating Organized Crime (SBPOK) in the pre-criminal process for the murder of two guards. His questioning and the questioning of his former adviser, Vuk Jeremic, were proposed in 2014 by representatives of the families of the assassinated guards, in order to reveal how the president’s office learned of the guard’s murder and reported to the then Chief of Staff. Branko Krga. Jeremic was questioned in 2016 as a citizen at the SBPOK facility. Then, in Boris Tadić’s statement, the name of one Sasa Reljić was mentioned, as well as being heard, causing chaos in the audience, and then everyone was silent on that subject.
