Paracin – emergency situation H1 Serbia


The headquarters for emergency situations of the municipality of Paracin declared a state of emergency in the area of ​​this municipality of Pomoravlje.

“Due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation in the territory of the municipality of Paracin, which is manifested by an increase in the number of examinations in the kovid clinics of the General Hospital and the Health Center, an increase in the number of new infected and a increase in the number of hospitalized patients “. , Vladimir Milićević, declared an emergency situation on the territory of the municipality of Paraćin, “announced the Information Service of the Municipal Assembly of Paraćin.

According to the words of the commander of personnel and president of the municipality, Vladimir Milićević, the working hours of the catering facilities are until 9:00 p.m.

“I appeal to the people of Paracin to celebrate their baptism in the circle of families. There is a great risk of infecting a large number of people in a small area,” says Milicevic.

Due to the sudden increase in the number of infected people in Zrenjanin, the work of the outpatient clinic of the Specialized Polyclinic is suspended.

Zrenjanin General Hospital announced today that the work of the ambulance at the Specialized Polyclinic will be suspended for 14 days from Monday, November 16, due to the sudden increase in the number of patients infected by the coronavirus.

Subsequent appointments will be scheduled for exams scheduled during that period. All emergency patients will be examined in the Emergency Center.

They are working on the rehabilitation and adaptation of the space in the building of the Department of Psychiatry, where there will be 80 patient beds, which will be an extension of the Department of Infectious Diseases.

Works are expected to be completed in two weeks, the announcement indicates.

In the past three days, more than 100 patients were examined daily at the Infectious Diseases Department, where another outpatient clinic was opened.

Simo Salapura, Mayor of Zrenjanin and Commander of the Emergency Situations Headquarters, also announced that the Headquarters will meet on Saturday to discuss the introduction of new measures to stop the spread of the virus.

An emergency situation is also certain, which will also be decided, the mayor announced, and RTS reports.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
