Papić ordered the car returned, explained Hrkalović’s role in wiretapping


Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin claimed that the former Deputy Head of the Service for Combating Organized Crime, Goran Papić, ordered the return of Marko Miljković’s vehicle, which was confiscated by the police without inspection.

Vulin told Serbian Radio Television that Papic was accused of influence peddling, which was “unequivocally proven”.

Vulin also noted that there is a lot of information about the criminal activities of Veljko Belivuk’s group, announcing that further arrests will follow.

As he explained, numerous “encrypted phones” of that group were “assaulted”, in which there are contact details, photos.

When asked if a programmer helped convert the company’s money into bitcoins, Vulin did not respond, but claimed that it was a well-known way in the world to hide “dirty” money.

Wiretapping Evidence in Prosecution, Explained Hrkalović’s Role

Minister Vulin stated that “as for the role” of the former Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior (MUP), Dijana Hrkalović, in the illegal wiretapping of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, “is over” and that all evidence has been turned over to the prosecution.

“We handed over all the evidence to the competent prosecutor’s office, and their role was explained, as well as to all other MUP members who participated in the illegal wiretapping of Vučić and his relatives,” Vulin told Serbian radio and television when She was asked. on the investigation against Hrkalović.

Dijana Hrkalović
aleksandar vucic andrej vucic mass vacic

As he said, “because we have tried everything, you have hysterical performances (vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party) Marinika Tepic and the like, who are trying to prove that it did not happen.”

He also said that the MUP did not leak his statement to the media, stating that “the MUP and whoever gave the statement have a copy.”

According to Vulin, the recording of the conversation between former FC Partizan vice president Vladimir Vuletic and Veljko Belivuk, which appeared in the media, is “authentic”, although Vuletic claims it was edited.

“The police are not engaged in riding. It is our job to get to the truth, and when it is painful for someone, it is not our problem.” Is it mounted that they saw each other? “Vulin asked.
