Panic wrote to Kon: You work for the government, you don’t see a catastrophe.


The president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists of Serbia, Rade Panic, today sent an open letter to the epidemiologist Predrag Kon, in which he points out that a member of the government’s Crisis Staff, although aware of having been deceived, manifests incorrect facts to the talk about the situation in health institutions, reports

The controversy over whether the healthcare system in Serbia “broke down” or not has been going on in public for several days, and the reason for everything was a statement by Dr. Rade Panic for H1 television.

“The Serbian health system has officially collapsed. You heard that I am very excited. Yesterday I was in the situation that was happening in Italy. In my professional life, I did not expect to get into such a situation, I did not have a place for the people we consider young people in medicine, no place to transport them, ”says Panić, who currently works in the ‘red zone’, visibly shocked.

The epidemiologist then referred to his statement Predrag Kon, who noted that the health system in Serbia “did not break down”.

“I responsibly affirm, based on the data I have, that there is no talk of breaking the health care system,” Kon said at yesterday’s crisis staff session.

After all, it followed Panić’s open letter sent to epidemiologist Predrag Kon, in which he claims that Kon presented incorrect data on the situation in Kraljevo hospital at the Crisis Staff press conference on 27 November.

“How dishonorable his performance is is demonstrated by the fact that he again did not name the people who provided him with the Kraljevo data, as well as when he spoke about the number of newly ill and deceased, referring to who they provided data to him. Why Is it dishonorable? So an accomplice in hiding those responsible for the situation in which all citizens of Serbia are, especially health workers. First of all, I invite you to reveal who lied to you? It is especially dishonorable, that you are aware that you are being misled, because this is who knows how many times you are presenting data that is not field fact. There are no more justifications for your ‘ignorance’, “said Panić, emphasizing that Kon’s claims that 55 percent of the capacity of Kovid was filled in Kraljevo are not true.

“How much you are a spokesman for ruling politics, an ordinary propagandist, is probably best demonstrated by the fact that the acting director of OB ‘Studenica’ at the same time, in an interview for local television, spoke about the decision of that day of opening additional facilities for patients in Kraljevo. 35 plus an additional 35. It is uninformed and stupid, because while declaring that the capacity is 55 percent, the director opens another 70 places, to the existing 60 plus eight in the unit of intensive care. And now you get it, don’t you? Someone from Kraljevo reported that these additional 70 places were available. The day the neurology and pneumophthysiology departments were moved. The day the work of 20 more nurses was planned in these newly inaugurated apartments. The media tried again to put out the fire in the field, “warned Panic.

He also reminded Kona that he once asked her in a phone conversation if she knew that a “fire was burning” in Novi Pazar, to which she replied “I would ask.”

“What a shame it is that one of the most prominent members of the crisis staff does not know that a humanitarian catastrophe is occurring in one part of Serbia? Indeed, the real question is how dangerous it is to the health and lives of all people. Serbian citizens that the highest professional authority of crisis personnel does not know in Novi Pazar, patients in the corridors, and it is not known where they will go with the dead ?! So after four months of those unfortunate events, should Kraljevo Or some other city or territory going through the same hell? Why, for God’s sake, colleague Kon, “asked Panić. .

“For a long time, I was in the dilemma of denying patients treatment with the help of a ventilator.”

Referring to his duty on Thursday, which he spoke about on New Day on TV N1, Panić stated that on two occasions, day and night, he had the opportunity to solve the lack of beds in the intensive covid with the coordinator of the kovid department, the head of the infectious department. Unit, for patients who require treatment in it.

“On both occasions we were greeted by KC Nis, Professor Radmilo Jankovic, with a permit to transport two patients on both occasions. Therefore, there was not enough space in Kraljevo in the five days leading up to the daily service on Thursday. approval that day. It was said that they only have three vacancies and that they have to save them for their patients. Let me repeat, Belgrade and Kragujevac have not received patients from Kraljevo for a long time. It is true that at that time there are four patients in the care unit Intensive. It looks like survival, “Panic said.

He added that he had long been in the dilemma of denying these patients treatment with the aid of ventilators, to give a chance to those for whom it was clear that their health would soon deteriorate without ventilators.

I stated that by medical standards these are young patients (I did not mention three more who were in intensive care, patients in years with comorbidity, with little chance of survival and with the help of a ventilator). This situation is exactly when they are from Italy. At that moment, the president, whom you adore so much, immediately intervened and started buying respirators, he had to fly a plane to China in person … The RHIF declared the acquisition of the president secret. of the common good and of the devices used in activities of general social importance for the citizens of the Republic, for the highest value that exists, health and life. There is still no information on how many followers Serbia has, information that should be made immediately available to the public Institute. for public health ‘Trampolín’, with the signature of the person in charge, because it is a legal obligation that these biomedical devices are registered with the serial number in ‘Trampolín’. Colleague, we have no answer on who performed the examination and reception of these newly acquired devices, who guarantees that they are safe in the treatment of patients who need them. And that’s a question for you, because you’re part of the crisis staff, “Panic said.

“At the university they did not teach us that we are gods who decide the right to life”

The president of the Union of Physicians and Pharmacists also affirmed that in the faculty they did not teach him that doctors are gods who have the right to decide who has the right to life and who does not.

So my decision was not to deprive anyone of the air in their lungs while their heart beats. I will spend the rest of my life reviewing the veracity of my decision. During the day shift on Friday, five people died in the intensive care unit in Kraljevo. one of the two patients I spoke to in intensive care was admitted to the hospital ward for her underlying disease (angina pectoris), where she became infected with covid (an excerpt from a history I took from the patient). KC Nis for her, “said Panić.

He also said that he doubted the words of Petar Đurić, a participant in this year’s civil protests in Belgrade, that his father had died for lack of fans.

“I could not imagine that Serbia would get to where Italy was a few months ago. Then an internal report came, saying that there was no room in the intensive care unit, and the admission of patient Đurić was postponed. Knowing the functioning of the health system , at that time it was not good, “said Panić.

He added that about ten days ago I had an idea of ​​a private message in which it was written that in one of the large institutions in Belgrade, some patients are being withdrawn from ventilatory support, in order to give a chance to those who have more possibilities. of surviving, but that he remained silent because he could not find proof of such a thing, because, as he affirmed, they would surely have arrested him for sowing panic.

“I am not sure that there is a definition of a health system burst. My definition would be that a health system burst is a time when large numbers of citizens who need health care cannot get it. This is a situation like I mean all those nefarious patients that These days, thousands of patients are again receiving notifications about delayed surgeries, diagnoses, treatments that require hospitalization, and I’m talking about waiting in front of a kovid clinic for hours, harassing patients who they must first collect evidence in health centers. How many of them have significantly worsened their health by walking from unpleasant to unloved? How many of them have stopped seeking medical help and realized that they have a better chance if treated at home, with advice? many colleagues giving advice by phone and internet communication? I know by calling who I get it c on a request to help put my loved ones in the hospital, because they are in serious condition and there is no room. You know? Panic asked Kona.

“They did not let me work in a kovid unit because I am not politically eligible.”

Panić also claimed that it is now clear that his suspicions that he was not allowed to work as a doctor in the kovid unit in the first and second waves of the epidemic were aimed at hiding the truth about what was happening in it.

“I had to give in, because before the third wave I was the only volunteer in Kraljevo for an anesthesiologist working in the kovid unit. The words of Professor Sazdanović, acting director of KC Kragujevac, addressed to my director when I volunteered to go a politically eligible Kragujevac ‘also got their explanation, in Serbia the truth is not welcome. On the Friday night shift I learned that another colleague isolated himself and that someone needed to replace him (there was a plan to work in a month after kovid intensive replacement of the equipment, to rest for what is to come), that is, to continue working even after those months, I called again to be me, although I told my colleague that the director will not allow it, because he needs to get me out to get first hand information. We’ll see what the decision will be, “wrote Panic.

He added that all the events he was talking about, among other things, were covered by Unidos Contra Kovid’s letter with 50 questions addressed to Kon personally. These questions were sent in front of the signatures of 3,000 doctors by first and last name, so if you have a shred of morality left, I invite you to answer those questions, although I am aware that your answers would be one more proof of inaction and bad conduct of the authorities during the fight against the epidemic. The SARS-KoV2 virus, as well as further proof that the healthcare system in Serbia has collapsed, because the politicians decided instead of the profession. That is why they are silent, ”says the president of the Union of Physicians and Pharmacists.

“The government has provided you with an armchair to deceive the public”

In doing so, he accused Kona of speaking on his own behalf and expressing his subjective opinion from the armchair provided by the authorities, “obviously for the services of misleading the public.”

“I speak on behalf of my colleagues who are leading the trench warfare who are trying with all their might to save the citizens from the plague called Kovid-19. We are the last defense of the defenseless Serbs (in this situation all citizens are weak) against such deadly danger. “Dozens of deceased colleagues who gave their lives for the citizens of Serbia in the name of their profession. Their sacrifice must not remain anonymous and in vain, “said Panic.

At the end of the letter, the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists called on Kona to be worthy of the rank of Serbian officer who received it, because he commands the unit that decides the “war with kovid-19”.
