Panić: Vučić’s falsehoods about the epidemic and health workers’ wages – Society


The president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists of Serbia, Rade Panić, said tonight that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was telling lies about the national frequency about the epidemic and the salaries of health workers, H1 reports.

Panić: Vučić's falsehoods about the epidemic and health workers' wages 1It is true that PCR tests are performed more efficiently: Rade Panić Photo: Beta / Svetlana Dojčinović

“Shame on President Aleksandra Vučić,” Panić wrote on her Twitter account.

Panic reacted to Vucic’s guest appearance on TV Prva, where, among other things, he noted that Serbia is one of the leading countries in the fight against the coronavirus. “Serbia was the worst economy in Europe, now it is the first.

In the fight against the crown, he is now in the top five. I think our main problem is dealing with it and the pressure on the ground. “Serbia has grown stronger, but not in a way that threatens anyone, but to help its people,” Vucic said.

He added that nothing dishonorable was done, but everything “fair, responsible and transparent.” Referring to numerous criticisms, Vučić emphasized that it was the state that equipped the hospitals and increased the salaries of doctors.

“The state has provided hospitals, has provided salaries so that they do not fall behind, but are increased by 25, 26 percent for nurses, by about 20 percent for doctors, the state has allowed no product that it is not enough in Serbia, that there are not enough respirators when it was impossible to get it, ”he said.

“We did everything and the results prove it. We have never cheated, we have never lied,” Vučić said, adding that the problem in our country is that we have been taught that we can never say that our country is successful and good.

H1 recalls that Aleksandar Vučić was recently asked to comment on the statement by the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists Rade Panić that the Serbian health system was “broken”, to which he said he would respond “brutally” if it were not the president of the state.

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