Journalist and writer Teofil Pančić claimed that Belgrade has lost its charm in recent years, and that the worst thing after the progressives came to power – it metastasized.

Pancic told the Al Jazeera portal that Belgrade has always been a difficult city to maintain, given that Serbia is a small country, but that in recent years it has become “too difficult to beat”, “too chaotic”, “physically and visually unbearable”. .
When I cross the Sava over the Branko bridge, from the New Belgrade side, I have to concentrate a lot not to look to the right, so as not to see what is called “Belgrade on the water”, what grows in the middle of Belgrade like a malignant foreign body that threatens to completely cover and swallow, “said Pančić.
Referring to the conflict between Croatian journalist Boris Dežulović and Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić, Pančić said that Dežulović touched several “nerves” of Belgraders.
“Among other things, he referred to metropolitan provincialism. You can do everything, but don’t question the greatness, time and global importance of Belgrade,” says Pančić.
Pancic said that there is great media, political and other inequality in Serbia, and that he “has no idea” how a change of government could occur.
“I do not think that people who did not know anything about what this regime is doing can change things, and that they find out suddenly, so that they regain consciousness, take to the streets or vote against the regime.” This is not how things happen, in the end it did not happen in 2000 during the fall of the Milosevic regime, ”said Pancic.
He added that these are much more complex processes and mechanisms, and that “we can only hope that one day this decline will stop.”
Pancic said that there was never a sincere intention of the Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia to make Serbia part of the European Union.
“It was interesting for them to flirt with the EU, take some money, get benefits, and those for the top and not for the citizens, and on the other hand not being held to any democratic, legal, economic or other standards.” After all, precisely because of the non-compliance with the standards, we have not opened a single negotiation chapter this year, “said Pancic.
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