Palma: What is bitcoin? – Economy


“What is bitcoin?”, United Serbian leader Dragan Markovic asked Finance Minister Palma amid the discussion about the small Schengen and the confirmation of two financial deals, and Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic jokingly warned his Coalition partner who was not careful and that was the point. the agenda of the day before.

Palma: What is bitcoin?  1Photo: (1.) Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrđa (2.) Canva (3.) Photo: FoNet / Nenad Đorđević

However, Markovic shared his dilemma: “I want to ask you something, I can say for myself that I don’t know or that I know. What is bitcoin, whose money is it? You go to the bank and withdraw money on your ID, without having books, without paying taxes. “

Mali first explained to Markovic that there are traditional and alternative sources of finance.

“If you need a loan, you go and ask a bank for a loan, you have money in your account. This is the traditional way. Then we have those who have created something new, a new currency, assets, a new means of payment. They are cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin is the most famous, ”Mali said, adding that a critical mass appeared that accepted it and began to make alternatives to traditional sources of financing.

According to Mali, there are public and private networks, that is, the division into currencies that are under the control of all participants and those that are networked in a network.

Palma: What is bitcoin?  2

“It is not very easy to explain, but it belongs to the person whose first and last name is used. It is the digital property law that regulates this area so that it can be traded. “You cannot use digital currency or assets without being registered and without knowing how many cryptocurrencies you have,” the finance minister said, then tried to simplify.

You have a hundred bitcoins, Mali said, and you want to pay with that bitcoin. Some accept it as a payment method, others do not. With the new law, there are institutions, organizations, companies that trade with these bitcoins, exchange bitcoins with them, they accept it and they give you money ”.

While Finance Minister Siniša Mali explained to the JS President what bitcoin is, Parliament Speaker Dačić joked with the Interior Minister.

“I know this is quite complicated, because I just asked Minister Vulin how the police will seize illegally acquired bitcoins, but we are already getting into metaphysical discussions and that is not on the agenda now,” Dacic said.

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