PALMA IS EXTENDING THE CROWN FOR SERBIA! I knew I was infected and I was walking without a mask and BLOWING THE VIRUS OF PEOPLE INTO THE FACE!


Dragan Markovic Palma, the leader of United Serbia, who these days has a negative reputation for giving anti-vaccination statements, was infected with the corona virus, but still participated in the election campaign, walked in Serbia, knowingly violated the measures of isolation, even went to the polls and gave statements without masks, reveals “Blic”!

Investigated “Blic” after the dangerous statements of Palma about vaccines and the crown, we learn that Dragan Markovic Palma fell ill with kovida-19 in June, more precisely in the week before the elections. However, the fact that he was ill and that he should not come into contact with other people did not prevent him from going to the polls.

We also captured Palma who immediately after voting in the electoral district of her hometown of Kačarevo, removed the protective mask from her face and gave a statement to the media! Even today, there is a recording of that statement on “YouTube.”

Palma volunteered a bit. He did not speak of the crown at the time he was ill, nor did he have a shred of conscience to at least send public advice to citizens to take care of the virus, but in August, while “joking” about the kovid, he revealed in a communicated to “Blic” that he was also hooked by the crown, so “he was not a couple of days.”

In that statement, Palma said that he was infected only six days before the end of the electoral campaign.

– My wife and eldest son got infected. There are 12 of us in the house and only three of us get it. It is proof that it is not so easily transmitted. We were all treated in home isolation. He had no severe symptoms, little fever. I even did push-ups, Markovic told “Blic” at the time.

Palma account – two I write, one memory

“Blic” called Markovic again yesterday. He continues to confirm that he had a crown before the elections, but says that he does not see his responsibility because he did not respect the measures of the Crisis Staff and was in isolation for 14 days.

– I got sick six days before the end of the election campaign. I was isolated for seven days. And I was in the vote because two days, more precisely the day before, I received a negative test – Palma now claims “Blic”.

Dragan Markovic Palma violated 14 days of isolation to go to the polls on June 21

Photo: YouTube / RAS Serbia

Dragan Markovic Palma violated 14 days of isolation to go to the polls on June 21

Palma strangely recounts his sick days, because if you remember them correctly, he was already practically isolated the day before the outbreak of the disease. And he was infected for only five or four days.

But if we go from Palma’s words to his works, things become clearer.

“I drew blood from the swab three times”

On June 14, seven days before the elections, Palma was at the pre-election rally of the SPS-JS coalition in Zrenjanin. In a closed space where several hundred members of both parties met. Then, according to the rules he voted for, he should have been isolated. Just as he should have been in isolation, according to his own statement to “Blic”, in which he assures that he was in isolation for seven days before the elections.

There is a video of this rally, which was also reported by local portals. At that meeting, apart from the sick Palma, no one else wore a mask …

He also violated isolation by attending the pre-election rally in Zrenjanin.

Photo: United Serbia Domacinski / youtube

He also violated isolation by attending the pre-election rally in Zrenjanin.

Palma has a history and how it was tested.

– I was tested before that on Friday … I had a fever for only 40 minutes … We didn’t even know I had a crown … I took blood from the swab three times and tested negative. Only the result of the defamation was positive for me, Markovic literally told us, speaking intermittently.

In the same statement, Palma also knew that he had a crown, so he was isolated, and at the same time “did not know” that he was sick. However, Markovic has an accurate statement, but also an elevated tone, in answering the question of whether he infected anyone at the pre-election rally.

– I did not infect anyone, only my wife. I will no longer listen to Dr. Predrag Kon and epidemiologists, because they said everything they said! They said that the crown would disappear in June, July and August, so that did not happen. They said at the beginning that we wear gloves, so now they have given up. There is nothing to tell me about the crown! If anyone knows anything about the virus, it is I who have been infected with six out of 12 residents. I don’t know if that happened to someone in Serbia; Palma sympathizes with his own problems.

“Did I lie about something myself?” You are

Markovic now denies that he is an anti-vaccine and that he presented anti-vaccination opinions behind the assembly speaker.

– I did not say that I am against the vaccine, nor that the vaccine should not be taken. I just said that now this issue is being imposed on us and that the vaccine is not mandatory in Serbia, and what is dangerous here? Did I lie something? I support all doctors and epidemiologists, but those who work, and I will not support those who read me the results from the park, so I have the impression that they work in the green of the city, and not in health – he continued Palm.

“You don’t understand a peasant, you were born in an elevator”

Markovic says he is not against crisis personnel measures.

-I did not ask that the measures be dissolved, only that they stop talking about them, corona and vaccines. Kon demanded that the work of cafes and clubs be limited so that people would not get angry and drop drops due to loud music. Well that’s silly! You from Belgrade do not understand the peasants. You were born in an elevator – says Palma.

Markovic does not see his responsibility in organizing the traditional Panteleimon Fair in Jagodina, in which several thousand people participated in the middle of the second wave of kovid-19, and rarely did anyone wear a mask and maintain a physical distance.

– You attacked me for that fair, and then no one in Jagodina was infected with kovida-19. From August 10 to 27, no patients were registered in Jagodina, says Palma.

Whoever wants it, let him believe.
