PALMA IN THE ASSEMBLY: The grandmother who was in love with Thaci threatens Serbia again


– The time has passed for those who received a small number of votes in their town to seek the help of the international community through militant messages in parliament. Serbia has the largest number of National Minority Councils in Europe. No one forbids anyone to speak, but they cannot point to the Albanian flag in the Assembly of Serbia, in which, according to the Constitution, only the flag of the Republic of Serbia can be. Maybe they felt bad because of that grandmother or grandfather, Albright, is it grandmother or grandfather? For his latest statements. That grandmother or grandfather was very much in love with Hashim Thaci. I don’t know if they were in an intimate relationship or just loved taking part of the territory from Serbia and bringing the terrorists to power. We are for the love of family, work, the country, but it was a terrorist love. This is not in any literature. And now that the grandparents are threatening Serbia again. And why they bombed us. It is written in Dick Maria’s book who killed, who committed war crimes and who caused everything in Kosovo and Metohija, who attacked barracks, police stations and kidnapped people. Now these people are in The Hague. Justice is slow, but achievable – said Markovic.

He noted that in Serbia, the rights of national minorities, language, culture, education, are not in danger.

– Due to such speeches that the rights of national minorities in Serbia are in danger, Serbia has struggled to join the European Union for years. The rights of national minorities, language, culture and education are not in danger. Everyone in parliament must respect the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. But no one has the right to call the territory called Raska region according to the Serbian Constitution, Sandzak. The people of Novi Pazar, in the Raska region, are fed up with political disputes, and some of them get publicity by speaking in the Serbian Assembly and saying “look what they are doing to us, they don’t allow us this and that.” But I don’t know where my fellow MPs from the Bosnian national minority got the right to shout at all of us. Why that ? The Republic of Serbia has invested a lot of money in the Raska region, in Novi Pazar. I know many entrepreneurs from Novi Pazar. These people want to work, to create. Because if you want to live in the Republic of Serbia, all your rights are respected, but you must also have obligations. We want to support our colleagues, the deputies of national minorities in something that they believe is in danger their right, but the laws and the Constitution of Serbia must be respected – said in the Serbian Parliament the president and head of the parliamentary group of United Serbia , Dragan Markovic Palma, reacting to the speeches some deputies of the Bosnian and Albanian national minorities on the vulnerability of members of minority nations.

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