Palma asked Mali what is Bitcoin, whose money is it!


BELGRADE – United Serbia President Dragana Markovic Palma wanted to know more about cryptocurrencies, so he used the presence of Finance Minister Sinisa Mali in the Serbian Parliament and asked what bitcoin is, and Mali explained in detail how cryptocurrencies are used as a medium. Payments.

– I want to ask you something, I can say for myself that I do not know or that I know what bitcoin is, whose money is it? “They go to the bank and withdraw money from the identity card, without having books, without paying taxes,” Markovic asked.

Mali first explained to Markovic that there are traditional and alternative sources of finance.

“If you need a loan, you go and take a bank loan, you have money in your account, it is the traditional way. Then we have those who have created something new, a new currency, assets, a new means of payment. These are cryptocurrencies , and bitcoin is the most famous. ” Mali said.

He explained that a critical mass had emerged that accepted this and set out to make alternatives to traditional sources of financing.

There are, says Mali, both public and private networks, that is, the division into currencies that are under the control of all participants and those that are connected in a single network.

“It is not easy to explain, but it belongs to the person in whose first and last name it is kept. It is the digital property law that regulates that area in the way it can be traded. You cannot use digital currency or property without being registered”. and it is not known how many cryptocurrencies he has at his disposal, “he said.

Mali tried to explain it even more simply: you have a hundred bitcoins and you want to pay with that bitcoin. Some accept it as a payment method, others do not. With the new law, there are institutions, organizations, companies that trade these bitcoins, exchange bitcoins with them, accept it and give you money.

Mali said that with the Digital Property Bill, it wanted Serbia to not be left behind and be part of the growing segment of the digital economy to give young people the opportunity to use new sources of financing and stay in Serbia.


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