Palm on Albright: that grandfather threatens Serbia again, Dacic warned him in front of parliamentarians



10.12.2020. 21:29

Deputy Enis Imamović, who called for the Raska region to be called Sandžak, which is not in the Serbian constitution.

Dragan Markovic Palma

Dragan Markovic Palma, Photo: Printscreen

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was also discussed in the controversy over Serbia’s attitude towards national minorities, in which United Serbian MP Dragan Markovic Palma and Enis Imamovic, SDA MP Sandzak participated.

During the debate in the National Assembly, Markovic said that the rights of national minorities in Serbia are not in danger, but that due to the speech of some deputies that those rights are in danger, he has had trouble joining the European Union during years.

“If they had been violated, as the rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija have been violated, their amendment would not have been on the agenda,” Markovic said at the session in which the United Valley parliamentary group presented the amendment to the proposal. budget for 2021. SDA Sandzak “.

The deputies of that parliamentary group indicated that the Government of Serbia should change the policy towards the Albanian national minority and requested greater investments for the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja.

MP Enis Imamović also spoke from that parliamentary group, calling for the Raska region to be called Sandžak, which is not in the Serbian constitution.

Medlin olbrajt

Medlin Olbrajt, Photo: EPA / Michael Reynolds

He stated that the Assembly exists as a political body to, among other things, improve the constitution.

“If we cannot talk about ways to improve the constitution, then our rights are being challenged … no one, not even you here, will challenge our right to enter the Sandzak constitution as a constitutional category,” Imamovic said.

Markovic said that none of the national minorities has the right to call the territory, which according to the constitution is the Raska region, Sandzak.

“I am sure that a large number of Bosnians in the Serbian cities where they live do not think so. These people have many political disputes and publicity that someone wants to have saying that we parliamentarians are to blame for not knowing what we do not allow” said. It’s Markovic.

He pointed out that Serbia has invested a lot of money when it comes to the Raska region and called on the representatives of national minorities to respect the Constitution of Serbia.

“We want to support our colleagues, the parliamentarians of national minorities in something that they believe their right is in danger, but the laws and the constitution of Serbia must be respected,” said Markovic.

He affirmed that the time has passed for those who received a small number of votes in his town to seek the help of the international community through, as he says, militant messages in parliament.

“No one prohibits anyone from speaking, but they cannot display the Albanian flag in the Serbian parliament, in which, according to the Constitution, only the Serbian flag can be erected,” Markovic said, continuing:

“They may have had the wind on their backs for that grandmother or grandfather, Albright, who is Hashim Thaci’s great love. I don’t know if they were in an intimate relationship or just in love with stealing part of the territory of Serbia and taking the terrorists to power “.

The Speaker of Parliament Ivica Dacic reacted to that and asked Markovic to watch his vocabulary and not insult Albright, and Markovic added:

“We are all here for a little love, but for the love of the family, the homeland, the workplace … and this is terrorist love. I respect all the parliamentarians, but the same grandparents are threatening Serbia again with which will not open any more chapters. And why Dick Marty’s book says who killed, who committed war crimes and who caused everything in Kosovo and Metohija, who attacked barracks, police stations and kidnapped people. Now these people are in The Hague. justice is slow, but achievable. “
