The president of JS, Dragan Markovic Palma, confirmed for B92.net that two deputies from his party were infected and that they had been in the Assembly in the previous days.
Source: B92, Tanjug

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“The MPs are fine, Slavenko Nikolić was left without smell or taste, and Vojislav Vujić had a fever for a day,” Marković told B92.net.
Markovic also pointed out that there are diseases more serious than the coronavirus, but asked the experts to tell him how the coronavirus is transmitted.
Markovic confirmed that the infected MPs were in the Serbian Parliament in the previous days.
“Vujic was in the Assembly the day before yesterday and kissed the deputies,” he told B92.net.
He noted that it is not yet known how the coronavirus is transmitted, but that those who have been in contact with those infected will be tested.
Earlier today, Markovic said in the Assembly that he would support the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases.
“When I got the positive result, (Ivica) Dacic was sitting next to me. He didn’t get the crown. The day before, I hugged my grandchildren and there was nothing for them. Then a grandson got it, but not from me.” said. Markovic is in parliament.
He made a new call to the profession to say how the coronavirus is transmitted, because the deputy of United Serbia, Vojislav Vujić, who, he says, wore a mask and had no contact with those who had symptoms, became infected.
Markovic claimed that in addition to Vujic, another member of United Serbia became infected with the coronavirus.
He believes that the coronavirus should not be talked about so much on television, because it instills fear in people.
“Minister, we will have to cut it down a bit, not to mention the crown on television stations for three hours. More people fear the crown than NATO aggression. Then they sang on the bridges,” Markovic said, addressing the minister. of Health, Zlatibor Loncar.
He stressed that doctors should definitely be recognized for everything they do.
Markovic declared that he is happy because the amendments to the Law for the protection of the population against infectious diseases do not prohibit work and introduce curfews.