Palestine Ambassador: We do not accept the transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem – Politics


Today, the Palestinian ambassador to Serbia, Mohamed Nabhan, expressed his hope that Serbia will not move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, stressing that he is convinced of the friendship between the Serbian and Palestinian people, for whom Jerusalem is the ” Red line”.

Palestine Ambassador: We do not accept the transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem 1Photo: Office of the President of Serbia

Nabhan told H1 that he was in pain at first when he learned that Serbia had signed that it would move the embassy to Jerusalem.

“Because we consider ourselves very friends of Serbia and the Serbian people, I also appreciate President Vučić, I appreciate his intentions and politics, and I appreciate the friendship that he is really trying to promote with us, on the one hand, and on the other.” To say that Jerusalem is a red line for us, we cannot accept anyone moving their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, “Nabhan said.

He emphasized his belief that this step, however, will not happen.

“Because everyone knows, including Americans, that Jerusalem is the most important thing to us in all of this.

“President Trump offered us $ 100 billion to keep quiet about moving his embassy to Jerusalem,” Nabhan said.

As he said, “you must not say in advance what will happen.”

“We continue step by step. I hope it does not happen, because it would cause enormous damage to the whole situation, I do not think it will happen. I am still firmly convinced of the friendship between the Palestinian and Serbian peoples.” We will not change our attitude towards Serbia yet, we support to Serbia in their intentions to preserve the territorial integrity of their country, we respect Resolution 1244, as well as Resolution 478, “he says. He added that” they do not change their attitudes in that way.

“Principles are principles for us. I believe that Serbia remains committed to international law, I do not think it will violate that right. Jerusalem is an occupied country, it is a sacred place for all religions in this world, many wars have been fought. because of Jerusalem. “There is a UN resolution, East Jerusalem, which was occupied in 1967, is the capital of a Palestinian state,” Nabhan said.

According to him, Palestine will remain committed to international law.

“We will do everything possible so that no one violates that international law, especially when it comes to Jerusalem,” Nabhan said, adding that he did not like the parallels between them and the situation between Belgrade and Pristina, because Serbia did not occupy Kosovo and Israel occupied Palestine. “I am 73 years old, I want the conflict in the Balkans and the Middle East to be resolved, so that everyone can live in peace, instead of the circus that Trump organizes in the White House. “I don’t see any purpose, except that he thinks he can score some points in his electoral campaign,” said the ambassador.

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