Pain and silence for the death of a Serbian (20), here the always smiling young man died (KURIR TV)


Sadness and tears flooded not only Živković’s house in the Gornja Vrežina settlement, but also a large number of Niš residents who knew the deceased Serb (20). His death in a traffic tragedy, on November 1, around 3:30 am on Nikola Tesla Boulevard in Nis, upset and saddened many because they knew him as a cheerful and always smiling young man.

The Serb was in the passenger seat of the “BMW” when he and his friend SB (27) went to take the two friends home. On the way back, the Serb died and SB is recovering at the Nis Clinical Center.

Sadness reigns among those closest to him, both family, friends and schoolmates. From the photos on social networks it appears that he was one of the friendliest young people in various companies. He is always smiling in photos.

“We cannot see reason for his death. We are neighbors and in the end we did not have a happier boyfriend. He was a member of” Folklore “, he wrote songs before. He followed a kind of urban culture,” says a girl living in Gornjovrežinska. a street where there is pain for the death of a neighbor.

He also posted some of his verses on social media: “Don’t keep the ashes for long in those days, once I go and go” or “I don’t have the nerve for some witty stories, so it’s better to leave, leave a footprint “- he wrote. this boy, a student at the School of Hospitality and Tourism.

The place where SB did not follow the direction of the roundabout and hit first the planter, which threw about 15 meters, and then the post, can be described as a “black point”.

Traffic accidents are frequent in this section. Recently, a cyclist died, and the day before the Serbian tragedy, a middle-aged man died about 50 meters (near the yellow stairs), although probably a natural death.

“The man was in the car in that section of Nikola Tesla Boulevard. He got sick while driving, they called an ambulance, but they couldn’t do anything. He didn’t hit anywhere, so he probably stopped and then died on the yellow stairs. , but you will reveal the details by the investigation, “traffic police officers familiar with the investigation told us.

photo: MS

“Although there was no lighting or signaling, it was clear to us that the drivers did not see the roundabout, but now it is also illuminated and marked, and the number of accidents and accidents does not decrease. the roundabout and no one is injured, and this misfortune left us all in shock, ”says Ivan Krstić, member of the Municipal Assembly and man from the local office in charge of security in the Stevan Sinđelić settlement, where it is located. Nikola Tesla Boulevard.

It is obvious that SB, due to the alleged alcoholic condition, did not follow the direction, so he entered the company premises and hit a pole, which was fatal to another young life. That night, it was raining and the road was slippery, so slightly harder pressure on the accelerator pedal caused a slip, which could be the cause of the accident.

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Author: delivery courier
