Pacoli: I am not a criminal, I was afraid of a state terrorist act




The leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo, Bedget Pacolli, arrived at the Tirana airport in Pristina tonight, declaring that he did not claim any privileges in relation to citizens.

The privileges he did not claim are related to the measures introduced by the coronavirus, Koha reports. After landing, Pacoli went to his home in the Ayvalia neighborhood and not to isolation at the Student Center in Pristina.

– I did not ask for privileges, there is no difference between me and everyone else. I never wanted to be different. I am not resisting. I respect the standards that are accepted by all and apply to me. Pacoli told the media upon arrival at the airport.

He complained about some statements by Internal Internal Minister Džael Svečlja and Prime Minister Albin Kurti, which he made in recent days, adding that he was not a criminal, Kosovo writes online.

Pacoli said after landing the plane in Pristina that he feared the state might commit a “terrorist act” on him, so he decided to land in Tirana.

– I did not like Mr. Curti’s announcement, where he called me to confront him, where the police would be on the opposite side. I am not a criminal Every job I have done for this country deserves respect. I am a citizen of the world and have chosen to live in Kosovo. I want to continue living here and not let anyone have the right to put me in danger, ”he said.

Pacoli said he has been isolated for two months.

– Once my landing permit was revoked. The second permit depends on other implications, such as whether several vital Kosovo ministries were involved in the license. For the first time, I was intimidated by state institutions so that I could carry out a terrorist attack against myself, so I changed my destiny. I landed in Tirana – added Pacoli.
