OWNER OF THE STORE WHERE THE “CROWN OF THE PARTY” IS ORGANIZED: I do not feel guilty, powerful and influential people come to the parties


The owner of a popular restaurant in the center of Belgrade responded by MONDO that he has the privilege of being able to “party” while it is forbidden for everyone, what is the procession at crown festivals and if it is worth taking risks.

Experienced caterers that have built an image and have their own clientele can risk being fined, if they know it is financially worth it, says JM (42) the restaurant owner who did not want to reveal his identity.

– Although the bar is in the center of the city, there are ways for it to work and for it to remain more or less imperceptible from the outside. This is done by putting up curtains, investing in sound insulation, without central lighting or too much music. If the square footage allows it, the party moves to rooms that were previously “backdrops” or, better yet, basements. Everything that is not noticeable from the street comes into consideration – says Ž.M.

As he himself says, many powerful and influential people come to the stores “strong”, so the owner is sure that he will not have any problems.

– They are parties where some of our famous celebrities sing, although I cannot say the names. Of course, you can’t get in without a guest list and a check. Nobody is interested in discovering something like this, so it is strictly taken into account. There are no people in the parking lot, they do not come in large groups, they enter through the side entrance and enter by phone – says the owner of the restaurant.

Even when it is not an influential clientele, the owners of cafes and clubs who violate the measures and work during the pandemic, will not accept at any time and will take care of who their guests are, because they do not want to risk their business.

It is important that everything is discreet and that it works according to the recommendation system. That means knowing exactly who came with whom. Aside from punishment, no local will risk a bad reputation, turning out to be “spreading the crown.”

It happened that the competition reported that the bar was working, but the city’s catering services are now very supportive. However, all of this falls into the water when the guests are filmed and when it all ends on social media, ”says the owner.

As he says, most guests say that the fun has never been better, because they are “looking forward to everything.”

– Like in times of war, people need relaxation and fun. Nobody forces them to do that, they decide for themselves what they want or do not want. The atmosphere is more intimate than in normal circumstances, there are not many people and everyone has a sense of complicity – says JM

According to him, he does not feel guilty because everyone is there at their own risk and they know what they are risking.

– I don’t see why this is a greater risk than going to supermarkets and waiting in line. Caterers have been declared a breeding ground for infection, but I think that has been the case. Also, a large number of people who are arriving have already passed the crown and think they have nothing to fear. I think we should be careful, but not only in our bars, but also in any other place alike – think this catering.


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