On the first day of 2021, new price increases began to apply. Amendments to certain laws prescribed higher taxes and excise duties, new average values of square meters of real estate were prepared, and certain services became more expensive after four years of price stagnation.
Drivers could expect new price lists at gas stations next month, as the value of oil on world stock exchanges has risen by as much as 33 percent in the last month and a half. Last week, for the first time since March, Brent crude hit the value of $ 50 a barrel on world stock exchanges. Those familiar with the situation hope that this will be reflected in the price of fuel in our country, which could rise in price from two to four dinars per liter in January. However, it is a somewhat more realistic assessment that global events could spread to the Serbian market in just two to three months, because Serbian tankers buy raw materials on the world stock market about that early.
According to the proposed changes to the excise law, an additional increase in the price of ordinary cigarettes and non-combustible tobacco is expected in the next four years, and the first to occur will be in January, at 10 dinars per pack. . This means that the state will take 76.75 dinars from the producers instead of 74.50 from the New Year on this basis. This is the rule that provides the new legal solution according to which the specific special tax will be increased by 1.5 times twice a year, until the end of 2025. Along with it, the proportional component of this tax of 33 percent is charged on the price of cigarettes, and all that is added VAT, so due to the increase in state taxes, producers will increase the price by 10 dinars. Thus, the cheapest pleasure for smokers will cost 270 dinars, and those who like better quality tobacco will have to pay 400 dinars out of their own pocket.
TV subscription
Starting January 1, citizens will receive an even higher rate for public media service. The proposed amendments to the Law for the Temporary Regulation of the Form of Tax Collection, which entered into parliamentary proceedings, stipulate that the subscription of RTS and RTV will increase from the previous 255 dinars to 299 dinars as of January 1, 2021.
Property tax
Some cities and municipalities have made a decision on the average prices of the square meters of real estate to determine the property tax for 2021. Among them are Novi Sad and Belgrade. According to the new price list, the citizens of Novi Sad will pay the average price per square meter of around 3,000 dinars, mainly in the urban areas of the city. This is a significantly larger increase in property tax compared to last year, when prices rose by around 2,000 dinars.
Water bills
While in Belgrade, the price of water and wastewater supply for all categories of consumers is five percent more expensive since January 1, in Novi Sad, the introduction of a flat rate of 118 dinars was announced “for the preparation of the water supply and sewerage system “. This price of 118 dinars would be paid regardless of the monthly amount paid by the residents of Novi Sad for water and sewerage, which means that even those with 0 dinars of consumption will have to pay this fee in full. With the new tax, JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija” will earn almost 229 million dinars a year, which is about 10 percent of the revenue based on the collection of water consumption and the disposal of sewage.

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The price of on-demand PC tests has increased by 50 percent since January 1, according to a new government decision, and at the suggestion of crisis personnel for the protection of the health of the population from infectious diseases kovid- 19. Until January 1, citizens of Serbia will pay 6,000 dinars for personal tests, while from the beginning of 2021, the price of a test will be 9,000 dinars.
Electricity prices have risen since February 1
Electricity in Serbia will increase in price from February 1, 2021, relative to the existing price by 3.4 percent, announced the Energy Agency.
The average price of electricity for customers entitled to a guaranteed supply at regulated prices, which include households and small customers, was determined, as indicated, “on the basis that the maximum approved rent is, without taxes and fees, 7,867 dinars per kilowatt hour and is 3.4 percent higher than the current average price. “
The new guaranteed supply price will apply from February 1, 2021, the Agency announced, stating that “even after this correction, the first since November 2019, the price of electricity in Serbia remains significantly lower than prices in the region and Europe “.
Banking services
Basic banking services, which are used by virtually everyone with a bank account, will be 15 to 60 percent more expensive next year. Therefore, in some banks, the maintenance of the account will cost 190 dinars from March of next year, instead of the previous 160.
SMS notifications will require 100 dinars per month, instead of 70 dinars, and the minimum fee for paying in cash with a payment card at an ATM or another bank counter will be 200 dinars instead of 150. For So in one year, you will pay 2,280 dinars just to keep the account instead of 1,920 dinars earlier, while SMS notifications will cost 1,200 dinars instead of 840 dinars today in the future.
The card replacement service will increase in price by almost 70 percent if it is stolen or lost, so instead of 300 it will cost 500 dinars, and a fee has been introduced for checking the balance at an ATM with the help of a 40 dinar credit card.

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Author: delivery courier