Outstanding doctor and famous singer in front of trumpeters (PHOTO)


The photo of the crisis staff member, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, in front of the trumpeters, where he extends his hand to bid farewell to a famous singer, became a hit in Niš and throughout Serbia.

The picture was posted on the famous ensemble’s Facebook page and would not have been the center of attention if Dr. Tiodorović had not explained on behalf of the crisis staff why cafes and cafes can run until 8pm on Friday, but no “live” music.

Branislav Tiodorović
photo: private archive

“There will be no music in cafes and restaurants. It is believed that with music, people are more relaxed and it is easier to transmit the virus,” explained Tiodorović about the decision of the Crisis Staff.

The photo of Dr. Tiodorović in the cafe is not “fresh”, it was taken 25 years ago.

“It may have been a celebration of the Nis clinic where Dr. Tiodorović was the director or some celebration of the University,” he explained to “Kurir”.


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Author: delivery courier
