Outgoing Minister of the Environment Goran Trivan: We have terribly polluted the country


Outgoing Minister of Environmental Protection Goran Trivan said that “it was time to say that we are terribly polluting the country, that every part of our environment is catastrophic and that we have to face it and then solve it piece by piece.”

He said that during his tenure, he worked to give Serbia a “new face: cleaner, healthier, more joyful, trying to awaken hope that it is possible to save it from arrogant ugliness, relentless pollution and contamination, neglect and the destruction”.

“Because our Serbia is beautiful, but it is high time that we start treating it that way,” Trivan wrote in a statement thanking the media for promoting the importance of activities to protect the environment.

He noted that citizens have the right to know what type of air they breathe, what type of water they drink, to publicly express their concerns about the environment, its preservation, protection of landscapes and wild species, and concerns about pollution.

“Reaching the most important objective, a healthy environment for us and future generations, is impossible without good communication from everyone, both from the government and the civil sector, the academic community, the economy, all citizens and the media”, Trivan emphasized.
