Our mother and son died in an hour, this third wave is TERRIBLE


– There is the disease, there is the corona virus, a real war against a pandemic is a clear phenomenon, and there is no dilemma. As a physician who has worked with seriously ill patients for 30 years, I find it incomprehensible that there are still people who do not believe that this horror is real and real. And now, in these days, when, due to the need for oxygen places, we are releasing patients faster than they should so that others can come in their place, so that they too have a chance to live. Those of us who work here know that this horror is real: Dr. Slavica Mojsilović, a pulmonologist and internist at the Pulmonology Clinic of the Kragujevac Clinical Center, begins her story for “Blic”.

The number of patients is so great that even countries much richer than Serbia cannot bear it. That is why seriously ill people stay for about five days until they improve a little and until they come out of the worst condition, and then they are discharged home for further treatment. And before that they were detained for at least 15 years.

– The conditions are war, and this fight is fierce. People are dying, even entire families are at risk. We almost had a case where a mother and a son died within an hour, and that is a great tragedy. People in their forties come to us on their feet, and after a couple of hours their condition gets so bad that we fight for their lives and consider a respirator the last option. We have been in the covid system since the beginning of March and the first wave passed smoothly, without a large number of patients. We are now well established and organized, but this third wave is terrible. We are exhausted not only physically but also mentally. Tears are not uncommon, says Slavica Mojsilović.

The equipment that doctors wear has introduced a total novelty in their work. A spacesuit, a mask, glasses, a visor and a complete, almost hermetic closure, which protects against infections, prevents a very important element in medicine, and is the relationship and direct contact between the doctor and the patient. Today, they cannot look at the sick that they care about and whose life they fight for, to console them, make them laugh …

Photo: N. Raus / RAS Serbia

– We also don’t have oxygen under this equipment, after a few hours with them. But, that is inevitable … We have to take care of ourselves and others … From this experience, the most common patients are men, in the fourth or fifth decade of life, capable of working. Those with associated diseases are at risk, as well as obese … Unfortunately, the condition of some worsens so quickly that they die within a few hours. And the fear is great not only among doctors, but also among patients. When people arrive at the hospital bed, they go from a state of total relaxation to the opposite extreme. They seek themselves to go on a respirator, they want to increase the flow of oxygen to the strongest … They fall into psychosis and into a state of panic. When they are discharged from home, they leave filled with happiness and gratitude for a new life, says Dr. Mojsilović.

Photo: N. Raus / RAS Serbia

Kragujevac has a record number of days in a state of emergency due to the kovida 19 epidemic. And, as Dr. Slavica Mojsilović says, as a rule, everyone is infected at celebrations, cafes, cafes, celebrations … AND the infected personnel contracted the virus from outside, not here where they are in spacesuits.

Photo: N. Raus / RAS Serbia

– The most important experience of my career is going to Novi Pazar, when a team of doctors and nurses came to help last spring … They had their vacations and celebrations, and literally in a few days the number of patients was so great that nobody had heal, and there is nowhere to accommodate people. We found people lying in the corridors, it was the cry of the sick and desperate. There were deaths, but we managed to organize the hospital in a covid system, to organize the red and green areas. After a few days, the situation improved, and our solidarity and where we find ourselves together when it is more difficult is the most important – says Dr. Mojsilović, and says that therefore “the most important thing is to skip some glory, some baptism, some New Years, because now is the time to overcome great danger and save lives. “
