OUR JOY IS HUGE AND THANKSGIVING IS ETERNAL: Mother Lana Jovanović, Aleksandra, filled with joy at the successful action of collecting money for treatment


Aleksandra Jovanović, mother of ten-month-old Lana Jovanović, from Rakovec, near Beočin, who suffers from type 1 spinal muscular atrophy, said yesterday, almost out of breath, tears, mixed feelings, for “Novosti”. The life-saving drug “zolgensma”, which is taken only once in a lifetime, costs $ 2.1 million and is the most expensive in the world.

– Our joy is enormous and our gratitude is eternal – Lana’s mother adds with an emotional voice. – Everything is ready, the money has been collected, a private plane has been delivered, with which we must travel to America, more precisely to the San Diego clinic, where our little one is waiting for a medicine that will save his life.

Lana is currently with her mother at Tirsova Children’s Hospital and the doctors implanted a site on which she is feeding. The little girl also has a bacteria that they are fighting now, but her loved ones are convinced that the little hero will manage to overcome that and that he will soon pack his bags for America.

– We are in constant contact with the doctors in San Diego, they are waiting for us – Alexandra tells us. – When you recover from this bacterium, you should receive the regular medicine “spinraza” to strengthen the body and be able to receive the “zolgensma” savior in America a month later.

Lana was born on November 3, 2019, being a healthy baby, and after giving birth she received two dozen. When he was two months old, his parents noticed that he was not moving his legs. The pediatrician they first contacted referred them to the Children’s Hospital, where they were found to be suffering from spinal muscular atrophy. Since then, the fight for Lana’s recovery has continued.

– You don’t have to run. If necessary, leave him in a wheelchair, but only so that he can live more independently – Lana’s mother Aleksandra is honest. – The most important thing is that she is better and that the money is raised. I hope that humanity among the people continues to endure and spread, and that money is collected for the remaining five children for whom this medicine is a salvation.


In the EMOTIONAL status on “Facebook”, Lana’s parents wrote that they appreciate the will, desire and effort to all human people who did not give up to help their daughter:

– Let everyone know what our people have achieved. And he has succeeded in what is almost impossible for others. Nobody has what we have. Nobody has a heroic heart, nobody has a strong will. Nobody has a strong desire. Thank you all, heroes!

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