Little Sofija Markuljević finally received Zolgensma, a drug for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy, the most expensive in the world and registered only in the United States.
One-year-old Sofija Markuljević, who united the human people of Serbia, arrived in Los Angeles on August 23 for treatment and has now received the drug for Zolgensma.
– Our dream has finally come true. Everything that we have fought for together in the last few months has paid off. Thank you to everyone who was part of our struggle and thank you for still being with us – Sofia’s parents wrote on Twitter.
09/02/2020 Sofia finally got Zolgensma
. Our dream has finally come true. Everything that we have fought for together in the last few months has paid off. Thanks to everyone who was part of our fight and thanks for continuing to be with us. pic.twitter.com/1J1wQ3nOwY
– For Sofia’s first step (@ 797na3030) September 3, 2020
As the parents of little Sofia announced, the girl is expected to remain in the United States for three to four months.
Sofija Markuljević was born a healthy child, with a high note of nine. During the first month of her life, she looked like all healthy babies, but in the second month, Sofia stopped moving her arms completely.
At two and a half months, it was determined to be a rare, but extremely progressive and fatal neuromuscular disease: type 1 spinal muscular atrophy.
The cure for this disease is the most expensive in the world – it costs a staggering $ 2,100,000 and is registered in the United States alone.
For months, Serbia has been raising money for Sofia’s treatment and numerous celebrities, businesses and the media have been involved. The first victory was also achieved: on July 30, the Markuljević announced that the money had been raised.