– We are the last embankment. There is no one behind us anymore. Good luck! For a part of the profession, the right to uncertainty in a difficult fight: this message was sent to his colleagues a year ago through a group of viber with a schedule of first call teams, Radmilo Jankovic, director of the Clinic of Intensive Anesthesia Care. at the Nis University Clinical Center, just before entering the intensive care unit, where they waited for the first one most seriously infected with the corona virus.
After a year, Janković, who in the meantime became the coordinator of all covid hospitals in southern Serbia and the deputy director of the UCC Niš, and his people are still fighting the non-stop plague. Remember how it all started and regret that it is not over yet.
– That viber message that reached all anesthesiologists meant the beginning of our involvement in this fight, which has not yet ended. The infectious disease clinic was already full and the old surgery building was being prepared for the more difficult patients. The building was eerily empty and had 80 beds in intensive care, respirators, masks, helmets (protective helmets)… The night before, the anesthesiologist on duty had already had two intubations at the Infectious Diseases Clinic. What followed was an anthological history of Nis’s medical care. In the next fortnight, there will be no more free ventilators in the old surgery building, and the Clinical Center will buckle under the pressure of receiving huge numbers of patients. We opened new capacities, pulmonology, old cardiology, physical medicine, and then almost the entire building of the new Clinical Center entered the kovid system. On April 16, we had almost a thousand patients who were resuscitated, intubated and transported by my people – Janković describes the first days of the collision with the virus that conquered the planet.

Photo: DA
The crown began to claim its first lives, and Janković was particularly affected by the fact that he knew the brother of the first victim.
– The first exchange that we closed and returned to positions was our colleague. I met his brother. We grew up together, we played football in Leskovac and then we studied medicine in Nis. I haven’t seen him in over twenty years. That is not forgotten, that cold night, I am sitting in the KC Management with the then director Zoran Radovanović … I turn on his brother’s phone … I’m sorry, I have to tell you … – Radmilo remembers the first black news that came from his lips.
An uneven fight with a ruthless rival for Janković and his teammates also meant separation from their family, which was very difficult for them.
– I spent all of March and April in the hospital. I remember the scared eyes of my children during each video call … – Dad, are you okay? And a question for which he had no answer: – When are you going home? I could not leave my people, there was no time for a fair meal, there was only open pate and crumbs from a bite eaten hastily on my desk … There was also no time for that, new messages were constantly arriving on viber: “We have no place! in pulmonology! “” We urgently need an oxygen cap on the third floor. Ambulances waited in line and people often died from them, fighting for air, says the medical hero.

Photo: J. Ćosin
He still believes that all of this will come to an end, but that time will not be forgotten.
– There will be a story about an evil time and great courage, about despair and ascension. About the tears and the joy of saying goodbye to those we saved. The story of us from the beginning will remain. We did not have a reserve position, the party did not allow us to withdraw – Radmilo Janković concludes his confession.
Commenting on his feelings a year after the first collision with the virus, Jankovic says they are contradictory.
– Melancholy that soaks my soul, pain that tears me from those who are no longer and I knew them so well, pity for the father I lost in my intensive care unit … Feeling of anger that we are again in the same situation because of those who do not believe us and accuse us of being well rewarded by the “pharmaceutical mafia”. But also a feeling of spite and chivalry … we will never give up, we will put an end to this battle … Tons of blood and sweat, kilometers traveled through armored corridors in front of which it says “Stop – red zone”, a third of my people infected, some for the second time … There is always pain and anger when I hear a murmur in the background … Those generals without an army, colonels without wounded, captains without water and boats … They are waiting to lift anchor when the open sea is calm … What a shame … not human – says Janković indignantly.
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