
Osman Karić said details related to his family. The father of the reality show participant revealed how he decided to give his son the name Stefan.

Stefan Karic with his fatherPhoto: RAS / RAS Serbia
Stefan Karic with his father

– Our roots come from Bosnia. My grandfather’s name was Omer Karić, originally from Janja, he was born in 1905, but I don’t know the exact date. Baba, Shemsa, was born in 1915, the exact date is unknown to me, at least. His grandfather moved to Belgrade in 1920, at the age of 15, and settled in Zvezdara, on Baje Sekulića Street (now Saint Nicholas), where he lived and worked until the end of his life, until he was 75 years old. In marriage, my grandparents had three children, two sons, Hasan and Osman, who will name me, and a daughter, Hajrija, who died at the age of 12 from the incurable polio disease at the time. My grandparents are left without a daughter that they loved very much, and in the desire to have another daughter, my father Hajrudin is born (laughs). They must have been happy, though more disappointed that they had three sons at the time and no daughter. Although, I think it’s all destiny, because if it wasn’t for him, neither me nor Stefan would be here today, Osman tells “Pink” and reveals what his childhood was like.

– During my childhood, several scenes happened to me, nicknames of other children because, as you know, my name in this region where I was born stood out from the crowd. Many called me “Shiptar”, for me it was very humble because the children, and even the elderly, did not differentiate between the Kosovo Shiptars and the Bosnian Muslims. At that time, there were student riots and protests regarding Kosovo, which was another aggravating circumstance. When I first married, Lidija, Stefan’s mother, after a while became pregnant and we discovered that she was carrying a child. It didn’t take long for me to decide that I would give that boy a Serbian name because I didn’t want him to go through the same situations as me. I wrote on three papers three male names that were current at the time: Luka, Stefan and Filip. I mixed them in my hands, threw them on the table and told my wife to choose. He took out a piece of paper that said “Stefan” and gave my son a name. After who knows how long of our conversion to Islam, I served Stefan and returned him to the Orthodox faith. When it comes to religion, I am not partial, I believe in something fundamental, I respect everyone’s faith and I value people for what they are, for how people are. I am not a nationalist, he added.

VIDEO Stefan Karić after entering reality

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