ORTHODOX icons “appeared” under the walls of the Dubrovnik monastery! (PHOTO)



21.09.2020. 23:22

Dubrovnik hides many secrets, and one of them emerged recently and refers to Serbs and Orthodoxy in this Croatian city.

Dubrovnik, Photo: shutterstock

Orthodox icons from the 14th century appeared on the walls of one of the monasteries, under the plaster!

The walls of the Hermanitos monastery and the Church of the Transfiguration of Christ hide something that the local public does not want to know and, nevertheless, has seen the light.

– I noticed that icons appear under the plaster, I immediately recognized the painting of Orthodox icons, because I am someone who regularly visits monasteries, both Orthodox and others throughout the former Yugoslavia. I just love it. He was interested in the origin of the Orthodox icons in the Franciscan monastery. I tried to ask the people who worship there, but when they heard my question, they all turned their heads and left me without a word – says Miloš S. (38), reports “Objektiv”.

According to him, in all the places he knocked on the door with that question, he hit the wall of silence.

– I did some research and found that these frescoes under plaster first appeared in 1992 and have been in Croatia since then, but they are not discussed here either. They tried to paint them once, but all the plaster with the paint fell off and the icons came out again – Miloš reveals the investigation.

The story goes as follows, the church was built in this place by one of the most powerful Serbian ladaras, King Uroš II Milutin, in 1317, so it is possible that the icons are from that time.

On the official website of the Diocese of Dubrovnik, when it comes to the Monastery of the Little Brothers in Dubrovnik, there are no records before 1317 and the arrival of the Serbian king Uroš II Milutin. They also state that “it is quite possible that the monastery was founded then.”
