ORDINATIONS FULL OF CHILDREN Suspicion falls first on KOVID, and one more thing brings additional confusion. Pay attention to the order of these 4 SYMPTOMS


The number of patients with covid is inactive, but the number of examinations due to respiratory infections is increasing, especially in children. Due to the similarity of symptoms, kovid is usually suspected first, and ragweed allergy symptoms are also confusing.

The Health Center “Dr. Milutin Ivković” in Palilula registers a greater number of examinations of children in pediatrics due to respiratory infections, says for “Blic” the acting director of this institution, Dr. Aleksandar Stojanović.

– The children have returned to kindergartens and schools, and there is a slight change in the weather, all this has influenced the fact that in the last five days we have a greater number of examinations for respiratory infections, especially in preschool children. They have a sore throat, enlarged nasal mucosa, a mild fever, and an upset stomach. These are all symptoms similar to those of a cold, explains Dr. Stojanović.

Children have returned to kindergartens and schools, and there is a slight change in the weather, all this has influenced the number of exams to increase in the last five days.Photo: Dejan Briza / RAS Serbia

Children have returned to kindergartens and schools, and there is a slight change in the weather, all this has influenced the number of exams to increase in the last five days.

He adds that the number of patients with allergy to ragweed pollen has also increased, so due to the similarity of symptoms, it is a problem to distinguish what is a covid infection and what is an allergy.

– People allergic to ragweed do not have a fever, but they do have conditions such as watery eyes, cough, feeling sick, and shortness of breath. People often think they have a kovid, so they come to the triage center and go to a GP, so they don’t go to the kovid clinic. Those with a pronounced sore throat are referred to an ear, throat and nose specialist, and there have been several cases of people with a ragweed allergy who have a sore throat, the director notes.

Also, the number of examinations in the Department of Ophthalmology and ENT, as well as in the Department of Internal Medicine, has increased slightly.

The onslaught of physical therapies

– In addition, the number of people who schedule physical therapy in physical medicine has increased. We think the reason is that the elderly were not allowed to come to the health center because of the kovid. By law, we should receive all of them within 30 days, and health centers operate walk-ins and accept all patients, says Dr. Stojanović.

At the “Savski venac” health center, a greater number of sick children, mostly of preschool age, with the most common problems of acute respiratory infections, says the acting director of this institution, Dr. Zoran Bekić, for “Blic”.

In the past 20 days, the number of patients with acute respiratory infections has stagnated at DZ “Dr Simo Milošević” in Čukarica, but the number is about 20 percent higher than in early August, said the head of the service of general medicine, Prim. Dr. Slavica Conic.

– Since autumn, we always have an increase in acute respiratory infections, which we have somehow forgotten. We’ve had a sore throat, fever, cough, runny nose before … So it’s not all kovid. Considering that during July, in our kovid clinic, we had 250-300 exams a day in one period, the current situation is encouraging, but we are careful – says Dr. Conic.

The Vojvodina Public Health Institute also registers slightly more patients with respiratory infections. There are 5,179 cases in Sid, 2,288 in Pancevo and 1,800 in Backa Palanka, while 163 cases are marked as those with flu-like symptoms.

The order of symptoms

We are approaching the fall and flu season, and the corona and flu overlap is expected. To distinguish between the two infections, researchers at the University of Southern California conducted an investigation and determined the exact sequence of symptoms in the kovids:

  1. Temperature
  2. Cough and muscle pain
  3. Nausea and / or vomiting
  4. Dijareja

VIDEO: The difference in symptoms between the flu and the corona virus
