Ordinary on the outside, and when they were opened they had something to do with it. PHOTO


The nut harvest began with the first days of autumn, and the Andrović family from Topola found extremely unusual fruits in their orchard.

On the outside they looked ordinary, but when they were opened they had something to do with it, the fruits were red. They thought it happened by accident only one year, but the red walnuts continued to give birth in Serbian Tuscany.

photo: RINA

– When we started to load them, we saw that they were completely red inside. The central part is pure white, but this surrounding membrane is red. Now, at this stage, when the fruits are being collected, the membrane is dark red, but later, when the nut is already dry, it slowly becomes darker. There is no difference in taste, it is as beautiful as any other dried fruit. We have heard that the red walnut loves vineyard areas and that it grows especially well in such areas, so it is not surprising that the seedlings have been received here and are giving birth more and more from year to year – says Andrija Andrović .

The Andrović family received this unusual nut as a gift from a friend about ten years ago and, as they say, gave birth to a record number of these. At first glance, it is no different from the classic that triumphs everywhere. The tree, canopy, fruits and taste do not differ from the usual, they only differ in color.

photo: RINA

– The red walnut is native to Germany. It has a medium-thick tree and great fertility power. The fruits are large, smooth, but the heart is extremely attractive due to its red color, which is why it is often used as decoration.

Research shows that the use of walnuts and walnut oil reduces stress, as well as helping to improve intellectual and motor skills. This nut is very valuable nutritionally, especially in terms of protein and essential fatty acids.


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Author: delivery courier
