Orders for those who died prematurely in the fight with kovid


SERBIAN PRESIDENT PRESENTS DECORATIONS TO HERO FAMILIES: Order for those who died prematurely in the fight against kovid

Photo: Instagram Printscreen, The Future of Serbia

BELGRADE – On the occasion of the Day of Reconciliation in the Great War, the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, presented decorations to the families of the heroes of our country who died prematurely who stood out during the fight against the infectious disease Covid- 19.

Today, the president presented decorations to members of the Serbian army who excelled during the fight against the contagious disease kovid 19.

Proud decoration of the awards: They belong to our comrades in arms

The members of the Serbian Ministry of Defense and Army, to whom President Aleksandar Vučić today solemnly presented the decorations, are proud of the awards received and affirm that these medals, as much as they belong, belong even more to their comrades.

The Order of the White Eagle with Second Degree Swords went to Lieutenant Colonel Dragutin Dimcevski on the occasion of the anniversary of the Battle of Košare, and the lieutenant colonel told reporters that the award meant a lot to him and all his colleagues who participated in the defense of the fatherland in 1998 and 1999.

He claims that the decoration may be late, but that President Vučić still corrected the injustice. “For almost two decades, the real truth about the battles in Košare, Morina, Pastrik and other watchtowers and battlefields that took place during the war in Kosovo and Metohija has been hidden,” added Lieutenant Colonel Dimčevski.

Colonel Ivo Udovicic, commander of VMC Karaburma’s kovid hospital, was awarded the gold medal for merit in the fight against the corona virus, where, according to him, he has been working non-stop with kovid patients for eight months with his fellow soldiers.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

He thanked the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Army for the medal and pointed out that he does not understand it as a personal award, but as something that is a merit of all those who work in the kovid system.

“Since it was awarded to me, then this is a medal for VMC Karaburma,” Colonel Udovicic said and thanked everyone, as he says, the people of Kovid in Karburma, telling them it was his medal.

The President presented the silver medal for bravery “Milos Obilic” to Lieutenant Colonel Borislav Krnjajic, committed to implementing measures to ensure border crossings, migration centers, as well as the reception of our citizens who arrived from abroad, and says the Lieutenant Colonel Krnjajic for life.

It means a lot to him that the medal he received is named after, as he said, one of the greatest Serbian medieval heroes: Miloš Obilić.

Lieutenant Colonel Krnjajić emphasizes that the unit he commanded during the corona virus epidemic did everything possible so that our citizens who arrived from abroad, as well as the migrants, overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic in the easiest way possible.

photo: Instagram Printscreen, Buducnost Srbije

“This is recognition, first of all, for my unit, and only later for me,” says Lieutenant Colonel Krnjajić.

Ensign Goran Petrovic, who participated in the implementation of security measures at the Kragujevac Clinical Center, received the silver medal of merit, and thanks the President of the Republic for the award, which will encourage him to work even harder and more selflessly .

He told reporters that his unit has been committed since the beginning of the state of emergency to suppress the spread of the corona virus, and pointed out that the medal presented to him today belongs to all members of the Military Police.

“We carry out daily tasks in the fight against the coronavirus and we are still facing it successfully. To come out of this crisis together, we must all respect the measures and thus contribute to the fight against the coronavirus,” Ensign Petrovic said.


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