Orchid’s mother who drowned in the Tisza: “When I got to the river, my son was crying terribly, I found a dress, slippers and a T-shirt on the shore”



07.09.2020. 22:06

Orchid T. from Bački Petrovo Selo ran away from home with his brother (6) and cycled to Tisza, which is three to four kilometers from the settlement. The brother says they were sitting in boats near the shore and that Orchid jumped, but it is strange that no one saw it.

Resale Tot

Resale Tot, Photo: Private archive

The search by the Gendarmerie divers for the body of a seven-year-old Orhideja T. from Bački Petrovo Selo, who disappeared in Tisa on Sunday afternoon, ended today.

According to the testimony of his brother K. Š. Six years old, who was with her at the time of her disappearance, the girl threw herself into the river.

– I was hoping my daughter was alive. The son says that they were sitting in two red boats near the shore and that the Orchid jumped. However, it is strange that no one saw it. It happened on Sunday around 1:30 pm When I got to the Tisza, my son was crying terribly. Unfortunately, at that time, there was no one in the part of the Tisza where it was pointed out that swimming is dangerous – says the crying mother Reveneta Tot (30) and adds that his daughter went to the Tisza by bicycle.

– The son jumped out the window, they went together to the Tisza, the daughter led him. They came out around 10, and I headed to the playground to look for them. I looked for them until 1:30 p.m., the only one who was not at the Tisza. When I got home, a man came to tell me that my daughter had disappeared. Then we went to the Tisza and there I found a dress, slippers and a T-shirt – Reveneta says through tears and affirms that Orquídea has run away from home several times before.


Ship, Photo: Private archive

– She left because I didn’t let her go to the playground alone. I learned that I was not at school on Thursday, but at Tisza. I have five children, three daughters and two boys. The orchid is the oldest and the youngest is three months old. I live alone with them, my husband works in Germany.

Orquídea’s father died two years ago – says Reveneta and confirms that the children pedaled alone to the Tisza several times, which is three or four kilometers from their house, and that the place where they bathed is 200 meters from the beach.

That the Tisza is an unpredictable and capricious river was confirmed by the Alas and the locals who flock to its shore every year.

– After a meter and a half, the slope begins immediately and the depth increases, from 15 to 24 meters. Three years ago, a child drowned, and adults often drown. In 11 years, while I am here, this is the sixth drowning case, says Kurila Maćaš from Temerin, who spends the summer at the Tisza.


Ship, Photo: Private archive

An ambulance was on duty yesterday at the Tisza near Bački Petrovo Selo, near the beach, where the unfortunate girl disappeared.

She took pressure pills and set the furniture on fire.

Orchid left the Children’s Clinic in Novi Sad a week ago, where she stayed for three days because she took her mother’s blood pressure medication.

– She took my blood pressure medicine, I didn’t see when she did. She said she took one but three pills were missing. After that, I had a problem with the Social Work Center, who wanted to take away my Orchid – says Reveneta’s mother.


Ship, Photo: Private archive

Neighbors say the girl has sought attention and love with her behavior before.

– Three or four years ago, he set fire to some furniture. It seems to us that the boy was hungry for attention, say the neighbors.
