Opposition protest begins outside Serbian Parliament


Opposition representatives, who had called for a boycott of the pre-emergency state elections and boycotted the Serbian Parliament session on Tuesday, began the announced protest in front of the Serbian Parliament at around 6pm.

Although the movement ban took effect at 6 pm, the leaders and members of the Alliance for Serbia, the Free Citizens Movement, the Social Democratic Party and ordinary citizens alike, took the stairs in front of the parliament building to protest the unconstitutional introduction of a state of emergency and measures to shut down Serbian citizens.

The president of the Movement for the Turn, Janko Veselinovic, previously said that citizens were not invited to the protest.

He said this was not only a protest against the state of emergency and because “the Aleksandar Vucic regime unconstitutionally imprisoned citizens,” but also because of what was happening in Serbia last night. “Last night, SNS cheerleading groups lit a spark that could point the situation in Serbia in the wrong direction, so none of these people sitting here are willing to happen. It seems like someone else, on the other hand, is lighting that spark, “he said, adding that he would stay there until 8.05 pm.

The president of the Free Citizens Movement, Sergei Trifunovic, said that all gathered here, “representing what the opposition is in Serbia,” urged citizens, from the beginning, to stay at home, take care of themselves and their loved ones. Dear ones, and that, in an open letter to the authorities, made available – the creation of centers to help citizens in need. “Of course, the authorities ignored this because it was one of their ways to continue their electoral campaign. I personally called the municipalities of Belgrade and volunteered, without a name to see what they would answer me, they said that full capacities. What I know of the people they used to bring help to the home, I know they carried advertising material for the recently started campaign that was interrupted by the Crown, “he said.

If you remember, we called on the animals to walk, then a call to protect the waist, if you remember that the mask and gloves were handed over first to the army and police and then to medical personnel, which is a shame, he added. .

“A profession bought by this regime has sent us to shop in Milan, saying medical nonsense that women are protected by the hormones of the coronavirus … The health minister said two weeks before the state of emergency was introduced that our doctors They could do an injection against the crown. To do it in two days, the world was amazed by the fact, we didn’t offer that injection yet. Those same experts are now vilified by Pink, competing with Aca Lukas, who is a bigger expert ” Trifunovic said.

We are protesting insanity, totalitarianism, execution, including those old radical methods: constant insistence on conflict, because only in conflict can they live, Trifunovic said. You have seen groups of cheerleaders assisted by SNS officials burning torches, I will not comment on this general folly, he added.

As soon as it appears, you’ll just look at us, you won’t get rid of us that easily, said the PSG leader.

Democratic Party (DS) Chairman Zoran Lutovac said earlier today that the opposition rally over the idea of ​​an election boycott would protest because they believe the Serbian constitution does not apply to all citizens.

“We will protest to demonstrate that the law should apply to everyone equally. If the ‘curfew’ (introduced in the fight against the coronary pandemic of the virus) is at 6 pm, then it should apply to everyone, including hooligans and activists of the Serbian Progressive Party, as well as those who are building on Dorcol against the will of the tenants, “Lutovac said on the” Prava uga “program on Vojvodina Radio-Television.

He stressed that the laws should apply to all citizens equally, and especially to senior state officials and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. However, he emphasized, it was precisely Vucic who violated the measures of the Serbian Government, because on several occasions he did not apply the measure of self-isolation when he should have.

Citizens were not invited to the protest tonight, and Lutovac said it played a symbolic role.

“We urge citizens not to come, and we are here to symbolically show how they should not be done. Those who were supposed to be an example did not. We warned them not to do this,” he added.

That part of the opposition announced at a press conference Tuesday that it would present to the Constitutional Court an initiative to review the constitutionality and legality of the state of emergency, and Lutovac said he expects that court to act on the initiative, but the question is how far? soon.

“The Constitutional Court showed that it was not at the level of what that court was supposed to do, to determine whether something was constitutional or not,” he said.

On Wednesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he would meet with some of the opponents, and Lutovac said he would not answer the call if the topic of the talks was an election, but would go to a meeting if a pandemic was discussed. .
