Opinions on Serbia presented in Congress do not help us


Engel, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, said yesterday that Serbia’s accession to the EU will not be approved until it recognizes Kosovo.

“It’s not just Engel, everyone was saying that. Now you can see how right he was, when I spoke a few weeks ago, without hiding anything, without personal sympathies (about the American elections). Such attitudes are not something that goes from hand in hand with Serbia “. Vucic said.

He noted that Serbia must be careful, because they are important people in America, and that it must respond responsibly and seriously.

“I hope that the new administration has a different attitude and policy than what was presented in Congress. It is our job to carry out our policy,” Vucic said.

“It is clear that we will face the greatest pressures.”

Vučić assessed that it is clear that we will face the greatest pressures and that we will be in a difficult situation.

He made that comment on the occasion of the debate in the US Congress, in which it was heard that the new administration in Washington is expected to persuade Serbia to recognize the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, and recalls that the United States has economic and diplomatic instruments of influence. .

“We will carry out our policy and take care of our country. I expect great pressures around the Republika Srpska and Kosovo, but those pressures were not small before, and they will be even tougher now,” said the president, emphasizing that someone in that position certainly He would, when he is running, he can not only hope for the good, but also countless problems that he has to face.

He said it would be easier for him to answer them if he weren’t where he assumed it.

“But now you can see how right I was when I spoke without hiding anything from people, not talking about personal sympathies, about knowing Biden better than Trump, and we are certainly in a better personal relationship. Of course, those attitudes are not in the hands of Serbia ”, he appreciated the statements of Albright, Server and Engel.

Vučić said that Serbia must be careful and knows that they are important people, that it must respond responsibly.

He stressed that he would not say a single bad word about Albright, Server, Engel.

“That they speak badly of me. I am not going to speak of them. Not because I cannot answer them personally, I can do it at any time. It is our job to protect our interests and be kind, we take care of everything,” he concluded.

“To sign the Kosovo independence act, I guarantee that I will receive the Nobel Peace Prize,” added the president.

“It is our job to follow our policy”

He expressed his hope that the new US administration itself will have a slightly different attitude and policy than what was presented yesterday in the House of Representatives of the US Congress.

“It is our job to carry out our policy, to understand well. You have also seen the statement by MEP Viola von Cramon, her motion for a resolution to ask all EU countries that have not yet done so to recognize Kosovo. That is. it means that we will face the hardest pressures possible. “We will certainly be in the most difficult situation,” he explained.

He said it is a great pity that many in Serbia are waiting for him, thinking that it is directed against him, and it is directed against all those who would protect and care for Serbia.

“I don’t mean only what they said. But also a lot of words from the region, directed against Serbia, who would like to see Serbia again be unimportant, weak, like 10 or 12 years ago, to take us back to the period. in which our only function is to apologize three times in two days and get nothing, humiliate our citizens, kidnap them to stop them ”, he added.

Vučić said that he was happy that we were thinking today about which factories we would open.

He noted that Serbia will be the first in terms of foreign direct investment, not only in the region but also, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, in Europe.

“I hope new factories open”

He said that he expects the opening of numerous factories in Zrenjanin, Nis, Indjija, Stara Pazova, Pancevo, Zajecar.

“Serbia responds to many in the region only when it is weak and humiliated. That is why we worry today that no one in the region can feel rightly threatened by Serbia, but we do not want to be weak, to be happy, but to be partners.” We do not want to allow Serbia not to speak of its victims, to respect others, we do not want them to change our history, they convince us that the Serbs were the occupiers of Montenegro in 1918. They will not convince us that the Serbs were the biggest villains during ” Even in World War II, Jasenovac did not exist, and with all that, we will show the utmost reverence for the victims of others, knowing that we are not free from sin, “he emphasized.

Vučić pointed out that the tables on the state of GDP cannot be read anywhere, because everyone would have to write that Serbia is number 1.

Only one newspaper in Sarajevo, he added, published it and no one else.

“It is like this because everyone must be told that there is a crazy dictator Vučić, that they are the worst at everything, and with the announcement they would have to show that we are still the most successful. They are precise numbers, no game, no interpretation,” said Vučić .
