“ONLY SLOWLY” The presidential elections are in 1.5 years, but the SPS does not hide that it wants cooperation with the SNS. They immediately received an ANSWER


The presidential elections in Serbia will be held in 2022, which is not surprising, considering that they have a regular date to hold them. However, what is new these days is the information that the SNS and the SPS could have a common candidate.

The idea was “launched” by the SPS leader and Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dačić, who has nothing against continuing to cooperate with progressives in this way as well.

Thus, he “made it official” that preparations have begun, that lines are slowly closing and a conversation about supply and demand is opening.

Although he thinks strategically, he explains that he is not part of it personally at all and recommends that “the people rise a little above the interests of the parties.”

On the other hand, he is answered by his old acquaintance, and from time to time a dissident, minister and SNS official Zorana Mihajlović, who asks him: “Where are you in a hurry?”

And really, is Dacic really in a hurry, considering that the regular presidential elections will take place in about a year and a half, or is he simply proposing what the majority of the public expects, continued cooperation with the SNS in all fields?

Take it easy …

These two parties had the same presidential candidate in the previous cycle: Aleksandar Vučić, there was talk of going to the parliamentary elections on a joint list (which was dropped), so is it really a surprise that Dačić thinks so?

– Little by little, I understand that the SPS is in a hurry to re-trust the SNS, but now there are more important things – says Minister Mihajlović, who opened the door to another new spark between progressives and socialists, but also returned the old dilemma a What – is the SPS losing its identity?

Ivica Dačić

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Ivica Dačić

If Dacic asks, no, because this is what is best for both parties.

– I suggest that in 2022, the ruling coalition has a presidential candidate. When I say that, I am not starting from the personal at all, but I speak strategically. So do any people think I should say we have two candidates? I suppose it is better for everyone to have one – he evaluated a few days ago, with the message that we must think “strategically for the next elections”.

Strategic agreement

He says that he is telling everyone, and “my people in the SPS and others who many times react very negatively to everything I say in the first ball, so it turns out that I am afraid of how the SPS will fare in the elections “.

When asked if he feared his electorate would reject him, Dacic said voters would “certainly accept” the strategic deal, if it exists.

What the voters will say, for now we can only assume, and what the progressives say, comes a somewhat more concrete response, from those who already have reservations about this idea, and suspect that it was not the strategy but the care of the SPS. .

One of them is the Minister of Energy and member of the Presidency of the SNS, Zorana Mihajlović.

– Slow is my answer. There’s time. I understand that the SPS is in a hurry to trust the SNS once again, but now there are more important things, and that is to save the health of the citizens of Serbia. Because, it was good and it is good to trust Vučić and the SNS, so several people from the SPS also trust – says Mihajlović for “Blic”.

Zorana Mihajlović

Photo: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

Zorana Mihajlović

It seems that she is not the only one who could give Dacic a headache, and he did not say by chance that “the people should rise a little above the interests of the parties,” SPS members noted. By the way, in 2017, the Socialists received this precedent rather badly and the fact that they did not have their own candidate in the presidential elections after 27 years.

The key to the lock?

At that time, it could be heard that the SPS, as the second strongest political party in Serbia, was “obliged” to have its own candidate, and the intention to go to parliamentary elections together was met with great hesitation. realized.

“SPS is losing its identity”, “we can put the key in the lock” are just some of the criticisms that could be heard then, and it would not be a surprise to return to the agenda even now.

Novica Tončev

Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

Novica Tončev

Such assessments could be heard from the biggest critic of the SNS, SPS Vice President Novica Toncev, who now says from the ministerial position of “Blic” that it is logical that the SPS supports Vučić.

– Considering that the SNS and the SPS have been in power in Serbia for years, it is logical that the SPS will support President Vučić in the upcoming presidential elections. This is a time when we are all on a common task, focused on getting out of the challenging situation the entire world is in. The development and progress of the country and a better and safer Serbia for all its citizens is a goal that must be ahead of all personal and party needs and ambitions, Toncev believes.

Strong connection with SNS

For Cesid’s program director Bojan Klačar, the “key to the lock” is too strong an assessment, but he still adds that the SPS has firmly tied its rope to the SNS ship.

– I’m not sure why elections are the issue at the moment, but since Dacic is an experienced politician, I think there is an explanation. I think you want to position the SPS in the eyes of the SNS as a loyal partner. Here he chooses between two things, that the SPS lose its identity and voters, or risk weaker results, estimates Klačar.

It is possible, he adds, that his assessment is such that it is better to secure another four years of participation in the government and then think about the party’s problems, than to risk bad results.

– Then Šapić would play the role that the SPS used to have. Perhaps Dacic estimates that he cannot be in danger until the opposition is strong enough to take away a part of his electorate. So far, the SPS has lost voters, not only because of the coalition with the SNS, but also because of the natural way out, Klačar notes.

This Dacic announcement also served to speculate on whether all the elections will be merged, or whether they will still take place, say, first in the presidential elections and then in Belgrade and the parliamentary elections. This question was also raised by the former leader of the DS, Dragan Sutaovac, who linked the solution to the enigma with an internal dialogue on the improvement of electoral conditions.

– The reason why the opposition will be attended. The separation of the parliamentary and presidential elections is inevitable, Sutanovac wrote on Twitter.

The separation is in favor of the opposition, the SNS could benefit from both options. However, the second is not economically profitable.

– The separation of elections is a consequence of demands from the opposition. Even from the point of view of the SNS, it makes sense to be first presidential and then Belgrade, because then the SNS, on the wings of Vučić’s long-awaited victory, could enter the battle for parliament and the city – concludes Klačar.
