Only in one case can you fool a polygraph!


Former Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia Dijana Hrkalović for the second time, he refused a polygraph test and spent four hours at the premises of the Service for Combating Organized Crime (SBPOK) in Makiš. He was also offered the same conditions as the president of the Serbian Football Association, Slavisa Kokezi, recently questioned, to answer individual questions. And she refused. Apparently, he was unable to answer the questions because he was “on medication”.

Polygraph Nikola Novak claims that the reason for rejecting the “lie detector” is not just one, and that medications can never be a problem.

Dijana Hrkalovic
photo: Zorana Jevtić

“It is absolutely irrelevant for various reasons and cannot be a reason to refuse the polygraph test. First, if it is constant therapy, it becomes part of normal personality behavior, second, the technique is so advanced that a person would have I have to drink 15-20 tablets to reflect on the results, “said Nikola Novak, the only polygraph authorized by American institutions.

According to him, what they are Dijana Hrkalović and Slaviša Kokeza rejected the “lie detector” instead of indicating his guilt or innocence.

“They seem to have been afraid of some questions and did not want to answer them at all. The printing technique has advanced tremendously so that it can be judged without error whether the answers are correct or not. These results are used as evidence in court in Japan., India, the US state of New Mexico, but also Hungary, which is a member of the European Union. The judgment is first made to see how the person reacts and then a series of real questions is asked. It is repeated at least three times, and it can be more, so that the examiner is sure of the results ”, says Nikola Novak.

In practice, it happens that people refuse to undergo a polygraph test at the polygraph center where Nikola Novak works.

“These are people who refuse to be tested on their own principles, it is mainly about emotional relationships between partners and they just don’t want it. This questioning in the police is something completely different, the questions are asked by the state authorities and if a person refuses to answer a question, only raises suspicions that he is hiding something, the best way to clear the doubt is by answering ”, says Nikola Novak.

( / MŽL)

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