Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić visited Sjenica on Saturday before the military exercise “Sadejstvo 2020” in Peshter and told the villagers of Dolić that the state cannot promise a solution to all their problems, but that solutions will be sought. one by one.
During the conversation, it was agreed that the locals would solve big things for the spring: water supply, roads and electricity.
Vučić immediately spoke by phone with the Acting Director of the Serbian Electric Power Industry, Milorad Grčić, after which he told the locals that the substation would be completed on June 1.
Considering that the president insisted that the big problem be solved as soon as Grčić obviously did not attend classes. Just two days after Vučić’s visit, he came to Dolići to see for himself what can be done and when it comes to the construction of the substation.
On Saturday, the president also announced the arrival of Srbijavod director Goran Puzović to the Sjenica area to try to solve the water supply problem.
(Kurir.rs/Pink/Foto: Printcreen TV Pink)

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