
Photo: Printscreen Kurir Tv
DESPOTOVAC – In the caves of the Beljanica and Kucajski mountains, including the most famous Resavska cave near Despotovac, 28 species of bats live, and the mountaineers of Despotovac and Svilajnac claim that they are not carriers of the coronavirus, the cause of the current pandemic.
Among them is a wide-eared lily, only six centimeters in size, when 15 years ago, researchers at the Biological Research Society “Josif Pančić” in Belgrade discovered it, the mountaineers say.
This bat was discovered in Beljanica, where 28 species of bats were recorded, the climbers said. In the Bela sela cave alone, 18 species of bats have been recorded, and there are also bats in the Vlaška and Radoševska caves, they note.

In these parts of Donja and Gornja Resava, where there are many small and large caves, the mountaineers add, for 25 years, in summer, researchers come, mostly students from the Faculty of Biology, but also high school students, who look out to the most hidden places and watch bats. Before dark, they crucify special nets over the watercourse of the Resava River and catch bats to study.
According to the mountaineers, they also came to the fact that a smaller bat eats around three thousand mosquitoes at night, when it moves, which, as they say, is the reason why there are none in Resava and Beljanica.

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