Online teaching, parents and teachers confused because there are no clear instructions


According to the decision of the Government of Serbia, the strictest measures against the coronavirus should come to life in all schools from Monday. Newspapers mean that first through fourth grade students attend classes at school, while other grades and high school students switch to online classes. However, that opened the question: did the Ministry of Education provide conditions for the implementation of new measures?

Parents say it is not yet clear how the online classes will be conducted, because, as they say, they received no instructions. Educators are also in a dilemma, describing the whole situation as a maze.

The situation with the coronavirus has been rapidly complicated for weeks in almost every step. However, until recently, the Minister of Education, Branko Ružić, claimed that the situation in schools was stable:

“The current percentage is around 0.1 at the level of the whole of Serbia, we have a situation where in some districts the crown has not entered the schools, so there is no reason to panic, there is no reason to switch to online classes. “

So, it didn’t stay that way. The Serbian Government decided, based on the recommendations of the crisis staff, that there is a reason for some students to switch to online classes. Despite that, it has not yet been announced what the real situation is in schools and how many educators and students are infected with the virus.

It is also unknown why the decision was made that first through fourth grade students go to school regularly, and that older students and high school students should start learning from home.

Parents caution that it is not yet clear how the online classes will be conducted.

I really do not know where it will go, if in the second or third program as it was, considering that the Assembly sessions are now broadcast in another program, if it will go as before via Google classroom or zoom, and yes. I don’t know if there will be anything in RTS, nor have we received any information from the school, “says Father Zdravko Janković.

Educators don’t have accurate information either. Electrical engineering teacher Ružica Todić also notes that she is looking forward to Monday with confusion, because there are no clear instructions on how she will teach high school students in the future. He states that learning from home is not a solution, because certain subjects cannot be done that way.

“No hologram teacher can present students in a valid way online, because it implies that students develop abilities, skills, ability to connect electrical circuits, perform measurements, form some exercises that require fully autonomous work, that part is not feasible through the platform properly, ”said Ružica Todić Brdarić, professor of electrical engineering.

Instead of proposing unclear measures, the relevant ministry should unblock digital textbooks, for which the European Investment Bank invested 65 million euros, so that students and educators benefit, says Vesna Vojvodić of the Nezavisnost union.

“We still have the concept of watching TV classes at the ministry level, which doesn’t make any sense, so there is no OR of online teaching, there is no interaction, especially in the context when we are witnessing, for example, sessions women parliamentarians in other RTS programs, so students will probably be directed to the rtvplanet site, and many cannot even access it, “says Vojvodić.

And to calm the situation with the pandemic, the new measures contemplate a long school vacation, which should be from December 21 to January 18.
