Online politics: the underground has contacts in state structures


“We know who killed the man in New Belgrade,” Aleksandar Vucic, president of Serbia, said yesterday, commenting on a series of professional liquidations in Belgrade and emphasizing that the state is in a fierce confrontation with criminals and will “cleanse them all.” .

The latest in a series of killings in the capital occurred two days ago in New Belgrade, when Bojan Mirković was killed in the garage of the “Belleville” residential complex next to the “Delta City” shopping center. The president said yesterday that the search for the murderer continues.

Vučić said that it is not always easy to fight crime because we have many “imported clans” and that today there is a fierce fight between the leaders of criminal clans, in addition to the fact that the conflict is mostly imported to our country. As you said, our people who are involved in that are mostly “contractors” in the sense that they sell narcotics or are shooters.

“It is our job to clean it and we will do it, but first we must clean those who cooperate with murderers and criminals.” Those who receive money to allow someone to pass through certain roads or logistics, or to provide information about the movement of another criminal group, “Vučić said.

He pointed out that the fight against crime will be the most fierce, it will not be short-lived or limited, and concrete results will be seen. That fight has just begun, the president emphasized.

“People who are highly positioned in one of the clans that tried to kill Alibeg, one of the former leaders of the hobby, have been arrested. It is about the drug business. And they thought it was impossible to find out.” During the recent murder in the ‘Ušće’ shopping center, they had important contacts with people from the state structures, “said the president.

Professional killings on the streets of Belgrade have become more frequent. The Serbian underground has awakened and its death squads are working at full speed. Several mafia liquidations that took place in the last month in Serbia, as well as the disappearances of certain people, have threads in common. It is a war of criminals to extermination. Revenge and the fight for supremacy in the drug market are the motives for these crimes. In previous years, our state also had a problem with organized crime and street fighting. However, it appears that the current mob has expanded its infrastructure.

In most of these latest street murders, the police quickly identify the killer, but find it difficult to find him. This indicates that the killers leave nothing to chance. They know both the cameras that record them and the witnesses who saw them, but, with the help of obviously good logistical support, they manage to escape to a “safe” place.

According to our unofficial information, the murdered Bojan Mirković was a member of Stefan Jovićić Zeka’s criminal group and was close to the famous “scalping clan”. Mirkovic was killed when he returned home from the supermarket where he went to look for food. He started running towards the apartment building when he saw the attacker, but the killer caught up with him and shot him in front of the elevator in the basement. The killer had a motorcycle helmet and a silenced pistol, which explains why none of the neighbors heard the shooting.

Mirković is also related to the murdered Aleksandar Šarc, who died in the Emergency Center after being injured on October 17 in the parking lot of the “Ušće” shopping center in Belgrade. Šarac is suspected of being a member of the international gang of thieves “Pink Panthers”, and Mirković, together with him, acquired vehicles for liquidations and handled logistics in connection with the murders organized by Damir Hadžić and Lazar Vukićević. Hadzic was killed in Corfu on July 23, along with the leader of the criminal group Bar, close to the “touts”, Alan Kozar, while Vukicevic disappeared last month in Belgrade.

His family suspects that he was kidnapped, but the possibility that a crime was committed has not been ruled out. Furthermore, all traces of Goran Veličković Goksi were lost. This former leader of the Partizan fans was last seen on August 3 at around 4.30 p.m. on Visegradska Street in Belgrade. It is speculated that the same criminal group in Belgrade, close to the “Kavac clan”, is behind his disappearance. The leaders of this team, according to operational information, are also responsible for the death of Aleksandar Šarc.

Vedran Repcic, who was previously convicted of murder and survived a murder, was killed on Wednesday morning in the Brace Jerkovic neighborhood of Belgrade, just one day before Mirkovic’s murder. The killer wore a black surgical cap and mask, and was dressed in a dark sports wardrobe and a small black backpack that he shot with a revolver at Repčić in the parking lot. The brutal liquidation was seen by several citizens and the killer has not yet been found.

Another murder that upset the citizens of Belgrade occurred on September 13, when Strahinja Stojanović was killed in the explosion of the car under which the bomb was placed. Milivoje L., from Bosanska Gradiška, is a suspect in this liquidation, and the police are looking for him on suspicion of having planted a bomb under Stojanović’s “be-em-ve”. The killer arrived in Belgrade with the mission to carry out the liquidation, and an Interpol arrest warrant was issued against him.

The investigation into the possible perpetrators and motive for this crime is currently going in two directions. The first concerns Stojanović’s connection to the murder of Dragoslav Mišo Ognjanović, Luka Bojović’s lawyer. The other direction of the investigation goes in the direction of a criminal group in Belgrade, with whom Stojanović allegedly got into a conflict over cocaine.

Analyzing all these cases, crime expert and former intelligence officer Božo Spasić says that these are a series of clashes that, one would say, happened suddenly, but are permanently present on the streets and only simmer until they explode.

“Apart from the murder of Strahinja Stojanović with a car bomb, all these other cases are characterized by the fact that the victims were killed by gunfire, the killer is a masked individual and skillfully leaving the crime scene. Furthermore, the characteristic is that the police quickly identify the murderer, but after the identification there is no realization, which indicates that the criminals are highly organized, ”says Spasić.

Our interlocutor also points out that all the murdered have in common that they behaved comfortably, they walked freely through the shopping centers and none of them had bodyguards.

“Our audience is interested to know if it is about confrontations between ‘touts’ and ‘couch people’. I believe, and I will use that term for the first time, it is about – ‘mobile mafia’, ”says the former intelligence officer, convinced that clashes between criminals in Serbia will continue in the coming days.

Criminologist Dobrivoje Radovanović believes that Belgrade has long been the most insecure city in the region due to frequent gangster clashes.

In an interview with the Beta agency, Radovanovic said that the police, the prosecution and the judiciary will not be able to deal with the mafia as long as the fight has a “political tone.”

“You can no longer walk at night in company, much less, because any group of drug addicts can rob you. You can’t be completely safe during the day either, because you can become the accidental victim of a mob confrontation in a shopping mall, on the street or in a residential area, “concluded Dobrivoje Radovanović.
