Online politics: Internet predators await the click of the naive


You have decided to save money and instead of buying in the store, products that are advertised on one of the popular social networks. He clicked a button, ordered the desired item, and rubbed his hands in satisfaction, expecting a piece of, say, clothing or shoes to be delivered to his address. And then after two or three days (depending on delivery time), disappointment. The products that are delivered to you are not those shown in the image published on the social network, and the model is much larger than the one that suits you best.

Unfortunately, as they say in the Department for the Suppression of High-Tech Crime (VTK) of the Serbian Ministry of the Interior, Internet fraud is on the rise. Most of the time they explain, deceive and deceive citizens through fake pages on social networks. Forgery and misuse of payment cards on the Internet is also common, as more and more citizens use payment cards to pay for services online or to order goods.

– There are frequent scams in which the victim buys a certain product and, in exchange, receives a completely different product or of inappropriate value. We have also observed cases in which the victim is supposedly offered a certain interest-free loan from a foreign bank, noting that it is necessary to pay certain fees or, supposedly, similar rights beforehand. The loan, of course, was never in circulation, so the victim suffered property damage. Besides these, there are also so-called Nigerian Scams, where the victim is sent an email that they are the winner of the lottery, but that they must pay a fee for transferring money. Frauds with alleged car dealers are also frequent on Internet sites in Serbia, where the seller presents himself as a foreigner whose car was seized in our country and claims that he wants to sell it below cost. As he needs to come to Serbia for the sale, and not without a reason, the “seller” asks the injured party to pay a certain amount that would cover the travel expenses, and for which the amount of the car price would be reduced. later – they explain for our list in the VTK Suppression Department of the Serbian Interior Ministry.

Fraud, they say in that department, is more when goods are ordered through social networks than through official stores because, they explain, it is relatively easy to create pages on social networks that allegedly offer a service or sell certain goods . Furthermore, “Facebook” and “Instagram” offer pseudo-anonymity, that is, the illusion that the perpetrator is protected from being found and identified, and that is not true.

There is no rule about which product is most susceptible to fraud when sold online. According to the Ministry of the Interior, most of the time these are goods that are in short supply in the national market, so citizens must order them from abroad or products that, by the way, are expensive and offered in the market. Internet at an unrealistic and much lower price.

– We have come across cases in which victims are offered to fill out an alleged survey on certain social media pages and, in return, receive a gift, usually a technical device or money. After that, the victim is asked to send data from the payment card, which is uniquely determined in the payment system. Scammers misuse that information and take money from those payment card accounts. It also often happens that victims are asked for photos of personal documents, which are also used to commit other criminal acts of fraud and to open fake accounts on social networks and online payment services. When it comes to legal entities, the most common form of fraud is compromised business email. The essence of this financial fraud is that Internet criminals intercept and seize communication between business partners (mainly through business email accounts) and that money intended for the payment of goods or services, with the use of documentation Forged, you are redirected to accounts controlled by criminals VTK’s Law Enforcement Department.

Damages up to several hundred thousand euros

The damage caused by online fraud ranges from a few tens of euros, in cases of minor fraud, to several hundred thousand euros, when it comes to compromised commercial emails. In cases of misuse of payment cards on the Internet, where the injured party acted in accordance with the rules of their use and the obligations that he signed when concluding the contract with the bank, the banks usually reimburse the costs of the transactions. Of course, if they present a criminal complaint presented to the competent authority as evidence. In such cases, the bank appears as the injured party in the process. If it is other fraud, that is, when the injured party himself contributed to the improper use of the payment card, he is responsible for the damage.
