Online policy: wearing masks does not cause brain block


Although the corona virus appeared in Serbia nine months ago, the controversy over whether to wear masks, how we can protect ourselves from kovid and which vaccines are good still continues. Then Dr. Milanko Shekler, virologist and microbiologist, coordinator of the National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza, West Nile Fever and Infectious Bronchitis of the Specialized Veterinary Institute in Kraljevo, decided to make public and try to give people all the explanations of his doubts in a simple way.

This was met with a positive response from the public, as citizens ran on social media about who would prefer to praise the explanations Shekler provided in the “New Serbian Political Thought” text. This scientist, together with Dr. Dejan Vidanović and Bojana Tešović, formed a team of experts that was the first to “read” the coronavirus genome in Serbia, and the results obtained were entered into the World Bank of Genetics, that is, the database on the genome of kovid 19. “, Shekler explains that we cannot just sit back and wait for vaccination, in addition to that it is important to protect ourselves from a large number of viruses so as not to end up in hospital treatment. The higher the number of virus received, the greater the probability that a person will have a serious clinical picture.

Is your position that the vaccine against kovid 19 will not be able to solve the problem of the pandemic and that salvation is in educating citizens?

The solution is a combination of these two things in the given circumstances. We cannot rely solely on vaccination for several reasons. First of all, it is a matter of a technical nature. Vaccine delivery times are problematic, as is the amount of vaccine that should arrive in a short period of time. It is mentioned that many of them will be acquired only in the last quarter of next year. What to do until then? A special problem is organizing the stoning of the entire population. And to be successful in acquiring vaccines faster, the survey will continue to do its job. This will also reduce the number of people who need to be vaccinated.

In your opinion, is the infection good for people to “receive” a smaller amount of the virus and thus be protected from the more serious clinical picture?

What matters is the amount of virus needed to infect someone. For example, in smallpox, one particle was enough to make a person sick. In norovirus, which causes diarrhea, the infection concentration is 16-20 virus particles. In the “unfortunate” corona we now find, the research I found shows that between 500 and 1,000 viral particles are needed. These are the amounts necessary for someone to become infected. But if a person received 30 particles today, they will not be infected.

Does that mean you won’t get the crown?

That person’s so-called non-specific immunity will successfully overcome those particles. At the same time, the acquired immunity will recognize that it has come into contact with the new virus and will begin to work on protection. When the body receives such a small dose of the virus several times, it begins to produce antibodies without the person noticing. That is why many are surprised when they do a serological test for covid and when they hear that they have antibodies. This is considered a kind of “extended” vaccination. And we also have to trust that. People who are sick and have no respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing, salivation) emit up to 100,000 times less virus per minute than those with symptoms, coughing and sneezing.

Epidemiologist analysts show that 20% of citizens had encountered the virus. Do you think that number is actually higher?

These data refer to the period from March to the end of August. I believe that since then another 30% of citizens have been infected.

Many people do not believe that the masks we wear protect against viruses. What is your attitude

The virus does not mutate

Do you plan to reread the coronavirus genome because there are opinions that it is necessary to do so because it has mutated?

The virus does not mutate. Dr. Dejan Vidanović, who leads the sequencing group at VSI “Kraljevo” and our PhD student Bojana Tešović, were “diligent” throughout the summer and worked on the sequencing of the virus genome throughout the course of the epidemic, from all over Serbia. And 150 of them. Virus samples were taken from all previous months. We conclude that there are point mutations but that they are not significant for the transmission of kovid 19 or for its pathogenicity. Experts who claim that the virus has changed justify this claim by saying that we have many serious cases in hospitals. Of course, there are many such patients, when at the beginning we were registering 400 infected people per day, and now there are 7,000 and 8,000 of them. Ten percent of them end up in the hospital with more serious symptoms. Now the transmission of the virus is much greater than when it appeared. In seven days, we have many more infected than there were from March to September. Don’t forget, from March to October 1, that is, in six months, there were “only” 34,000 infected people in Serbia. Now we hit that number in less than seven days.

The biggest nonsense I’ve heard is that the mask causes a blockage of brain function. And how do surgeons operate with a “blocked brain” for up to 18 hours, performing the most complex procedures? I’m not clear about where such a strong anti-mask movement came from. Well, I used it for 47 days without a break, from morning to night and I didn’t miss anything. My position is the same: people should wear masks. They should do this especially when they go to the store, pharmacy, bakery, as well as in transport, theater. in which the corona virus is found. It is good to use it, and if there are more people in the room, one person is sitting by the open window.

When a person does not wear and is in the same room with someone who has a crown and also does not have a mask, is there a high probability that they will “win” a covid?

People go to a party or meeting, where they sit without a mask and talk without distance, so that they can receive a greater number of viruses. They do not know that they will be candidates for a more difficult clinical picture. It all depends on the amount of virus that is expelled, the area (cubic capacity of the room’s air) in which it remains, the number of people gathered, the length of stay. Most viruses are in microcapsules, which are expelled when someone sneezes, coughs, speaks loudly, and sings. That is why we say that it is important that people are two meters apart, because that way the virus cannot be spread from one to another. It should be borne in mind that the droplets of the virus in microns can float in the air for a long time. Fortunately, they contain fewer particles, and being small, 90% of them are assumed to be virus-free. It is also good that they dry quickly when they fall to the ground. Unlike them, drops of half a millimeter in size cannot dry as quickly. Only moisture keeps them alive, but they are heavy and fall to the ground by gravity in a few seconds, and do not travel more than 0.8 meters from the speaker.

Citizens fear that the food they buy in stores does not contain virus particles that can infect them. Is that possible?

When they fall on cardboard or paper, on the product packaging, they dry very quickly. You should not be afraid of that.

When do you expect the number of infected to begin to decline?

I think now is the peak of virus transmission. According to some of my “math”, the number of newly infected people will start to decline these days.

Vaccination against kovid 19 will start soon in Serbia. What vaccine would you receive?

No call to crisis staff

There is a controversy on social networks about why you are not a member of the Staff of Crisis for the Repression of Kovid 19. Would you accept the invitation of that body?

It doesn’t matter or matter at all. I don’t need that obligation. I am truly amazed that my writing on the crown has caused such a storm in the public. I thought people would benefit from what we know about kovid 19 and advise them on how to protect themselves, why wear a mask, and why isolation is important. People don’t like it when someone asks them for something, without explaining why it is good. Everyone loves to do what makes sense.

I cannot say that because I have not seen all the details on which I could take a position on this. What I do know is that vaccines that are made on an old, proven platform that uses technology we’ve known for decades, including Russia, China, and Oxford (Oxford-Astra Zeneca consortium), are safe and effective. In them, adenovirus was used as a carrier and parts of the coronavirus genome were applied to it. There are many registered vaccines that work on this principle. The Russians were the only ones in the world to make an Ebola vaccine in 2014, when there was an epidemic in the West Horn of Africa. So the whole world turned its head because it was not interested in the disease, which is transmitted only through the secretions of the sick, for example, through the blood. The Russians ended this problem with a vaccine and did not take advantage of it. Now you can see the benefit, because they had experience and a platform ready for a new vaccine, because they added a corona to adenovirus instead of Ebola. So they were able to make a vaccine quickly.

There are opinions that this vaccine has not passed a sufficient number of tests.

It is true that they did not pass all the controls, but it is forgotten that they had a platform from six years ago, which they only updated. They saved years of testing thanks to that.

Does that mean that you are, after all, a supporter of Russian vaccines and not Western ones?

The new vaccines that are being manufactured in the West are the so-called RNA vaccines. So far, none based on this principle have been recorded and it is not used in human medicine. I wonder how they managed to quickly get it done and register it for kovid, without being able to create a vaccine based on that principle 15 years ago? This is not to say that I am against these vaccines, they may be good, but the principle of manufacture is new and unknown to us. They are easier, faster and cheaper to make because they do not cause the virus to multiply, which increases production costs. When a person receives this vaccine, the body recognizes the RNA as its own because it “tricks” it into making parts of the virus’ protein. And the body creates a defense against disease. This means that, at the same time, the body produces a virus and creates protection against it. I have not seen data on whether these vaccines can cause an autoimmune reaction in humans. By the way, allergies and autoimmune reactions are the main problem because so far no such vaccine has been registered under this principle, against any disease in humans. That is what scares people. There is a real danger with such vaccines due to autoimmune and autoallergic reactions.
