Online policy: teachers fail to interrogate students orally


Everything that has come to light lately, especially in regards to the Serbian language, is more than enough for the new Minister of Education to imagine and in cooperation with the profession: SANU, the Committee for the Standardization of the Serbian Language, Serbian Language and Literature Departments and Society. – and certainly to outstanding primary and secondary teachers – organizes a serious conference in which all the causes and the way for a profound change in this situation will be pointed out. There is no more room to fix something by patching the program. He realizes that, answering questions from “Politika”, prof. Dr. Sreto Tanasic, President of the Serbian Language Standardization Committee. Pointing to the fact that the Serbian language is neglected, remember that we do not have an established language policy that is at the center of national policy in responsible and organized societies.

– The Serbian Language Standardization Committee, as the highest professional body that brings together all the institutions in charge of the state of the Serbian language and its study, has spoken about it several times, addressed the state publicly and noted that with respect to others problems related to the status of the Serbian language. . There is no responsible language policy without the participation of the profession in its design. There was no state hearing for our performances – Tanasic notes.

In addition to a series of bad decisions regarding the Serbian language, the proof of the non-existence of a well-designed language policy, in his opinion, is the unwillingness of our state to pass a law on language and writing, to which it is bound since the approval of the Constitution. The law would provide the basis and framework for determining and implementing the language policy.

– We have regulated the status of minority languages ​​according to the highest European standards, and we have not been able to legally determine the status of the Serbian language as a national and official language in Serbia for so long. It’s a coincidence? – Tanasic asks. He is convinced that the non-existence of the established language policy and the law on the Serbian language is the main cause of all the accumulated problems related to the Serbian language, including the poor state of education.

– And the recent claim, at least as a suggestion, that some future students of Novi Pazar, the so-called Bosnian language and Serbian language could be taught in primary schools speaks of the humiliating state of the Serbian language in our country, evokes the teacher .

He says that with an unbearably small number of Serbian language classes in primary and secondary schools, it is not possible to organize quality classes. It necessarily comes down to almost running the program.

– My former student, who achieves enviable results with his students, said on this occasion that the teacher must invest 200 percent of the time so that students have satisfactory knowledge. A sufficient number of classes would allow them not only to learn some basic rules, but also, by permeating language and literature in a creative way, to acquire quality knowledge that will not be forgotten at the end of the class. In this way, they were able to get to know Serbian culture, see the importance of the Serbian language at the center of national culture and identity. Does our country have a vision of education in the field of national disciplines, especially the Serbian language? Not that these published results (ZVKOV report) are an indicator of the state’s vision, Tanasić thinks.

In addition to a significantly higher number of classes, as a basic condition for quality teaching, mention in the closest connection the subject of textbooks, their quality and editorials, and that they should not be ignored silently. Motivation, he says, requires awareness of the need to leave school with a good knowledge of the Serbian language, which is important for all jobs, but also that neither primary nor secondary school with a high degree in the Serbian language is they can be completed without quality knowledge, which is not necessary for almost everyone to have excellent grades without excellent knowledge.

When asked why teachers are no longer influential role models for students, but that their important role is left in the hands of some “influencers”, she notes: “How can teachers be a role model for students when they see the state of education in our society, when they know that the school does not crucial knowledge for a high degree “.

When grades are not a measure of knowledge and objective progress of students, if the autonomy of teachers in the assessment is only declarative, and the tailors of educational policies do not convey the attractiveness of the profession for serious discussion, whose fruits will be a remarkable improvement in the state and knowledge of the Serbian language. analyzes The Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Parenting measures more precisely how hypocritical the local system is.
