Online policy: older teachers tend to teach online


There is no uniform model of teaching completely online, because it is a combination of strong variants of electronic communication between teachers and students. It can be in real time, when, as in a classic classroom, the teacher and students are in class together, but with the help of a conference tool. It may mean leaving video content, written materials, various multimedia learning sources, and comments on the department’s virtual dashboard. There are teachers who make extensive use of the option to schedule the placement of teaching materials and notices in the “Google classroom” at a certain time, to make it appear that they posted a lesson, questions or notices at the beginning of the class online, even if they are not in front of the computer. There are also students who seem to be already on vacation, although it officially begins on December 21. Still, most are diligently finishing the semester.

– Most teachers try. Someone does not have the technical ability, so they come to work online from school. There are many objective aggravating circumstances, although there were seminars, people have been trained in the use of ICT in teaching, but that is not enough. Experience is required. As with driving, just because you’ve passed doesn’t mean you’re a good driver, but you will be after 50,000 miles. Teaching online is a valuable experience for all and can enrich our school. Dry gold is in the sense that when a student is sick, the teacher can help him learn better. Still, there is resistance. There are older teachers who do not accept distance education, they do not know how, they do not manage. We must also be understanding for them – Bojan Vuckovic, director of the Thirteenth Gymnasium in Belgrade, evokes “Politika”.

As for television classes, high school teachers think it is good only when there is nothing else. Teaching on the television screen was more important last spring than it is now.

– Our teachers misuse it. We have a colleague who always records classes related to the classes he teaches his students. He posts the recordings on “YouTube” for our high school students, but they are also used in online classes by colleagues from other schools. If you have 100 teachers, you have 100 different ways of working. All the classmates who filmed the television classes are outstanding teachers. But the students they don’t teach, don’t know, don’t listen to them as teachers, that’s the problem. It is good that it existed, and that it still exists, but it is not a support for education, it can only serve occasionally – thinks Vuckovic.

Like many of his colleagues, he says that compared to the first variant of forced online teaching during the state of emergency, “which was like nothing, this one is better now.” Principals are not silent that distance education – as part of the combined model whereby high school students studied in classrooms for a week and at home at the beginning of this school year – had shortcomings. The current completely online form has brought some advantages, compared to previous experiences, although it is not ideal either.

– Classes last 45 minutes, in the order of the schedule. We stick to the schedule so that at the time the classes would be at school, the teachers would put the materials in the virtual classroom, not outside of working hours and on weekends, so that the order would be known and thus it would be easier for students too. At Karlovac High School, that means classes are only on the morning shift, from 7:30 in the morning to 1:30 in the afternoon. It works well. Monitoring classes is now more serious. You can tell who is present in the online class, which for both students and teachers doesn’t just mean “Good morning!” at the beginning, the assignments are already being done, you can see who is present and active until the end of the classes, says Branko Stojkov, principal of Karlovac secondary school.

If the student has technical problems to follow the classes remotely, he informs the teacher with a message. For children who are sick and have a fever, the classroom teachers inform the teacher that on those days, that student cannot attend online classes for justified reasons.

– Previously, we did not have the opportunity to regulate that, and it happened that the student did not answer calls and messages at all. I share with my colleagues from all over Serbia the observation that although the classes were combined, the students experienced the week online as if they were on vacation. It’s like they go to school for a week, then they rest for a week and we can’t record their absences from classes online. At that time, students were required to come to the school for a test, in writing or to respond orally to the grade. Now they are also evaluated online, explains Stojkov.

Grades for direct work are more objective, school principals agree, because distance teachers don’t have a secure system to determine whether a student is transcribing and if someone is helping them while they take the knowledge test.
