ONLINE CLASSES AND KINDERGARTEN CLOSURE? Brnabic explained it all: these are the recommendations of the crisis headquarters!


Brnabić said that he will hear the opinion and recommendations of the professional side of the crisis staff in tomorrow’s session regarding how to teach in schools for the older classes and the work of kindergartens.

– One of his recommendations was to consider online teaching for upper grades, that is, in elementary schools from fifth to eighth grade and secondary schools – said Brnabić, answering the question of journalists after the opening of the lamella of the laboratory of multiple uses of the Faculty of Electronics in Nis.

If that is confirmed tomorrow, the Prime Minister says, she will be able to switch to online classes as soon as possible, because, she adds, technically everything is ready for that.

– I still think that when it comes to younger students, it is safer for them in schools, but if the experts advise me otherwise, we have no problem adopting their advice – said Brnabić.

The same, he says, applies to kindergartens, adding that if the advice of the professional side of the Crisis Staff is to dissolve kindergartens, it will be done. He recalled that there were problems in March, April and May, because a large number of people demanded the closure of schools and kindergartens, and then most criticized their closure and asked who would now take care of the children.

– In fact, under public pressure, I can’t make decisions like that. Really professional people have to tell me that this is the right way, that it is safer than babysitting at home. That is my dilemma, but if the professional services advise me, we have no problem doing it – said Brnabić.


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