One year since Aleksandar Obradović’s arrest


A year has passed since the arrest of the worker of the Valjevo Krušik arms factory, Aleksandar Obradović, who provided the media with information about a possible embezzlement in this state-owned company. The High Tech Crimes Prosecutor’s Office has yet to file an indictment in this case, and Obradović’s lawyer told H1 that he should finally see the evidence gathered by the prosecutor next week.

The issue of the arms trade was finalized through the Krušik affair, and in a very short time opened the case of Krušik’s murderer – Aleksandar Obradović. Due to mistrust in the institutions of the system, the Krusik worker gave the journalists documents pointing to the corruption in the Valjevo factory, so that they could investigate further and publish it. That cost him three months of freedom.

“I think this is, in fact, the culminating proof that the prosecution does not have a case of Aleksandar Obradovic’s advancement and that they promptly and expressly arrested him only on political order, and for a year they cannot think of a real reason why the one who arrested him and wrote that accusation. ” “, Thinks BIRN journalist Aleksandar Djordjevic.

Obradovic spent three weeks in prison and two months under house arrest. Under public pressure, he was released on December 18. The investigation has been going on for exactly one year and is still ongoing, but perhaps not for long.

“The prosecutor announced to me last week that he had completed an expert report and that he would finally be able to finally see the evidence that was available to him next week. Obviously, not only did I not see them, but I didn’t see them. therefore, he also did not see the acting prosecutor in the case, who represents the high-tech crime department. So I didn’t know him either, “said Vladimir Gajić, Obradović’s lawyer.

The journalists published an investigation in which they show that Branko Stefanović, the late father of Police Minister Nebojša Stefanović, as a representative of the GIM company, mediated the purchase of weapons at preferential prices in relation to the SDPR state. Obradovic’s arrest came after the story was published on a specialized Bulgarian portal in English.

The H1 interlocutor believes that the arrest of whistleblowers occurs when he wants to cover up a crime.

“It’s nothing unusual, the only difference is that serious democracies recognized it a long time ago and then came up with mechanisms to protect these people. And that is why this protection mechanism for public disruptors is important. So people who are willing to testify despite serious risks to their own interests. ” on embezzlement, on crime, on corruption ”, says the director of the Center for Practical Policy, Dragan Popović.

Obradovic’s defense lawyer believes that all the institutions that are in charge of solving the case of the complainants are under the control of the regime, but he believes that in the end it will be shown what it really is.

“In the end, it will become clear what really happened here. We also have the fact that the special prosecutor’s office instructed the BIA and the VBA to investigate the suspicions that Aleksandar Obradović expressed in public. Nothing happens in that procedure. He, who is the source of those information was never called as a citizen to be questioned, ”Gajic said.

While Obradovic and his lawyer await the evidence from the Prosecutor’s Office in the process against Krusik’s worker for revealing trade secrets, journalists and the public await a response on whether Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic exchanged influence in this case.
