One was found selling heroin, the other was denounced by neighbors and three and a half kilograms of drugs were seized.


Two Serbs and a Pole were arrested in two separate actions in Vienna for drug trafficking, and on that occasion more than three and a half kilograms of narcotics and more than 30,000 euros in cash were seized.

First, in Vienna’s 14th district, officers of the Task Force for Combating Street Crime saw a Serb selling drugs on the street. The search determined that he had 1,155 euros in cash and 21 bags of heroin. Two Austrians were arrested with him, otherwise his clients.

On the same day, Austrian portals report, the police received a report from Vienna’s 12th district due to an argument in the apartment around 4 p.m. When they knocked on the door of the apartment where the noise was coming from, the police noticed various substances that they suspected they were drugs.

Then, the Vienna criminal police searched the apartment where a Serbian (31) and a Pole (40) were staying, and both were immediately arrested because almost two and a half kilograms of ecstasy pills, 1,103 grams of amphetamine were found in the apartment and 236.96 grams of cannabis.

In addition, 589 doses of the drug LSD and 592.51 grams of the drug MDMA were found, but also 30,000 euros in cash.


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Author: delivery courier
