At the beginning of the fight against the corona virus, while the world still did not know what kind of “invisible enemy” it has as an opponent, as it usually does, “without a hair on the tongue”, it went public with a clear position: this virus is artificial. made and represents a biological weapon.
More than half a year later, it’s not that she didn’t give up on that attitude, but, as she says, she received daily confirmations that she was absolutely right. With the corona virus we will have to learn to live, we have no other.
Speaking about the overall health of the nation, Danica Grujicic says:
– As you can see, there are many people who suffer from kovida, and what encourages me is the number of the respirator, which is around fifty, which means that there is not a significant increase in the number of the most serious patients and that gives us hope to slowly gain immunity. Will we ever get rid of the crown? I don’t know right now. I think it’s time to start learning to live with the crown, to recognize it in time, to do all those preventive things that they advise us.

Photo: Facebook / Danica Grujicic
I think that decisions of the type of restriction, in the sense of introducing a curfew, restricting the movement of our older fellow citizens, I think would not be good. Restrict meetings to no more than fifty people and outdoors, that’s what you should insist on, and of course, close all clubs, so you don’t have to sit in cafes, you can have coffee at home.
Be careful though, hotels, people organizing symposia, etc., I think you should continue, not because you think we will not improve in terms of continuing education, but because there are 11,000 people in Serbia who make a living from it. So we have to give people the opportunity to make money from the time they live, but I think it’s not a huge boil of 100,200,300 people.
Also, I don’t think it’s good to ban theater again. Anyone who respects the measurements, which are four square meters, or any other full seat, to wear masks, I think it is enough to prevent the spread of the infection.
I always make an appeal, especially when I address young people, so that it is they who must now be responsible to all of us. So kids hang out, but don’t even be in the bedrooms, it’s twenty in one room. If you go to cafes, make sure it’s at a decent time and outdoors. Avoid meetings – says prof. Dr. Grujicic.
– Even today I think so, I absolutely did not give up, I only receive a new confirmation each time. Be careful, in February, the South Koreans released the work according to which they found, already then, seven mutations of this virus, which means that it mutates really fast. The confirmation that it is an artificially created virus was found later in the statements of people who are serious about virology, in the statements of the Nobel laureates and in the people who really care about this basic medicine.
I really think it’s a bioweapon, we can only speculate now if it was targeting the Chinese economy, so it hit the entire world economy with a boomerang.
I have a disease, since 1985, it is called sarcoidotosis, and it is an autoimmune disease. It was not known then what it was, it was thought to be a form of tuberculosis, and in general I have been trying to strengthen my immune system since then, in various ways, including with natural remedies. I must admit I made it because I have had a fever once or twice since 1985.
When this happened to me, why did I immediately suspect that it was kovid, that it was not a common cold? Because I had a funeral, my aunt died, and then in a small circle, there were a lot of people, more than 200 people. Yes, it was outdoors, yes, we used masks, but to no avail. You take off your mask at some point to say goodbye to someone, to shake someone’s hand, etc. That large concentration of a large number of people in a small space, even outdoors, is not good. I really support the crisis headquarters that these 4 square meters must be taken into account. Someone was carrying a large number of germs. Perhaps I am not the only one infected, I am someone who recognized what it was, while someone did not even call the doctor, because of what happened with a milder clinical picture.
Maybe the mutation I got is such that it causes a common cold. He had negative antibodies, so the rapid test was negative, which was to be expected because it takes time to create antibodies, and the PCR came only on the third day. The funeral was on Thursday, I had a fever on Sunday afternoon, I felt that I was breaking. I came on Monday, that test was negative, but I have to say that I wore a mask the whole time, and what really makes me happy is that I can’t relate any appearance of the crown to me.

Photo: N. Skenderija
On the third day, I immediately reduced all my physical activities to a minimum. I’m one of those who normally go to the fifth floor on foot, because I can’t wait for the elevator, I have no patience, for God’s sake, I was waiting for the elevator to the first floor. And I must say that it took me five weeks after coming out of quarantine to reach the level of physical condition that I was before the illness. So gradually. I felt exactly that I could not, I was just afraid that it would reach my heart, that I had myocarditis.
What was he doing?
I immediately went to bed, two grams of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and I must admit I drank Diclofenac because I like it as a pain reliever and as something that lowers the temperature. The muscle aches that were present for two or three days, regulated me. I took two diclofenacs a day and after four days I had no more problems.
What is the point? I kept resting, because I think the key is in those two weeks. I’m afraid that even those who calm down a bit when their temperature rises start to move immediately as soon as they feel a little better. I am not. I respected those two weeks, I sat at home, I never received, I did not go anywhere and I rested. He was really lying down, ”she says.
He points out that Serbia has a steady increase in the number of people suffering from malignant diseases.
– We have a constant increase in the number of patients with malignancies and it has an ascending line that has not changed or decreased. What has decreased for cancer patients? You have patients who, thank God, have been cured, you have patients in whom no malignant disease has been confirmed, but they have to be monitored and monitored once or twice a year. We have reduced these exams. We prayed, especially in the first phase, that these patients would not come, in the second phase they began to come, now in the third phase we had to ask those patients not to come again. We only get the first examinations where it is suspected that there is a malignancy or that there is something that needs to be checked, be it malignant or benign, there are patients who have active treatment, patients come to consultations, because it also means some active treatment, and controls active – notes Dr. Grujicic.
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