ONE STEP TOWARDS A NEW GOVERNMENT Morning session of the Serbian Parliament!


The session of the Serbian Assembly is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10 am, when deputies are to vote for the election of Ivica Dačić as Speaker of Parliament, Blic has learned.

With this session, the final formation process of the leadership of the Serbian Assembly, of the parliamentary bodies, but also of the Serbian Government will practically begin. This should practically mean that we will soon find out who the new Serbian government ministers are.

– There will be a lot of work for him as Speaker of Parliament. All Assembly committees will be formed no later than Thursday, those committees must work hard. I believe that in that parliament, which will have to meet constantly, we will have to pass many important laws, declared Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, adding:

– For every state-building politician, most of it is being the head of the highest representative body and the holder of constitutional and legislative power in the Republic of Serbia – the outgoing head of Serbian diplomacy Ivica Dacic said yesterday after Vucic revealed that information.

He said that after Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced that Dačić would be the head of the Serbian Assembly in the future.

More details coming soon …
